sorry about not checking back in your thread i totally forgot about it. there wasnt really a consistent pattern in the xp's you listed. so i cant find the formula for it. sorry, i can get something close to that but not exact.
I can sometimes create good icons . It really depends on the icon, so you won't know if it's good until you see it. However, I do have time right now, so I can make icons for you . Send me a list or something via PM?
Also a note: If you have a base, like the boots, it makes it much much easier. Doing things from scratch is extremely difficult.
I have to wait longer if I am going for food because my teeth are still messed up from the work and I still cannot eat right. Going to be a couple more months before that gets better
I have a different one, and that one has my credit card attached to it and I would like that credit card to not be attached to it if I can't get it back
Anyway Microsoft is not very helpful with this, they just keep telling me to fill out the Account Recovery form, but that just redirects me to the other account
That's the only thing that got hijacked at least. I don't totally know how these integrate together, but it seems like I should be able to do this via the gamertag. Like my email is still mine, but they changed the email to that account I'm guessing.