Recent content by MiltonF

  1. M

    Item storage building for all allied players

    Still not working! Is it at all possible to give an item to an allied player/hero in wc3? When i try to give something to the allied (+sharing unit control) computer the hero will drop it right next to him. Can't think of a work-around.
  2. M

    Item storage building for all allied players

    Just what i was looking for. Will try that.. thanks & +rep
  3. M

    Item storage building for all allied players

    Hi, I would like to create a unit, that acts as item storage building. It's where every player from the same team can put items for later use. So far, i only got a per player solution. I added a hero inventory to the storage building and every player is now able to store items in his own...
  4. M

    Unstack items when dropped on ground but sale as a whole

    Hey, I'm using an item stacking system (converting several items of the same type to one with several charges). When the hero sells stacked items at a shop they are sold as one, as intended. But if he drops them on the ground, the whole item is dropped when i want it to un-stack, dropping one...
  5. M

    How To: Walkable buildings with pathing map

    Thanks dude, works like a charm!!
  6. M

    How To: Walkable buildings with pathing map

    Cheers, Creating my first wc3 scenario i ran into a problem. I want to implement a farming system like in harvest moon: First the player has to build farming ground - a tile he can grow wheat on. By putting several of those tiles next to each other the crop field can be extended at his...