Recent content by Mindless One

  1. M

    Need some help with a trigger

    Basically this is a trigger that checks two spesific units owned by a player that enters a combining region. Then these two units are removed from the game and replaced with a new unit. Floating Fiery Female Fairie Events Unit - A unit enters Combine Region <gen> Conditions...
  2. M

    Need help with a trigger

    Basically, this trigger handles the spawning of all units on the map, there are 10 of these all firing at once, and the only difference is that EastSideSpawnRegion is set to a different area for each trigger. Recently the triggers stops working after a single time they've fired. I havent...
  3. M

    How to make a tower with abilitys?

    I get three possible answers to your question. If you want a spesific tower to only hold a certain aura, make a number of towers which holds different auras, let's say you are using the scout tower for humans, look for the line where it says that it can be upgraded to different units and...
  4. M

    Need ideas for a Mario Kart-type map

    What about somekind of dodge maneuver? Something like the jump from the original game, only a bit more usefull, imagine you know a green shell comes ahead of you. You jump which lasts something like 0,5 secs or something, "dodging" the spell. Downside is, during the jump you cant turn any...
  5. M

    Problem with spell

    Shield Slam Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Shield Bash (Neutral Hostile) Actions If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) If - Conditions...
  6. M

    Multiboard Problem

    Thanks =), it worked.
  7. M

    Multiboard Problem

    So I just started designing a multiboard for my map that should be able to support Player Names, Hero Icon, Creeps Killed, Revive Time and Alive/Dead Status. Problem is that it all shows as eyes, or some kind of observer icon, in all columns and rows, I can see my own name and some of the...
  8. M

    Floating Text Problem

    Nah, its not a variable problem. As all the units that are the points exists at the start of the game, also I tried panning through triggers to the variables, and they all are where they should be. I tried with starting with my camera at the position where the floating texts are located now...
  9. M

    Floating Text Problem

    It seems so. Setting elapsed to 0.00, didnt solve anything, it only stayed as the same problem. Tried disabling the panning, but this time another floating text dissapeared, making a total of 3 seller floating texts missing. Might have something to do with spawn position of my camera...
  10. M

    Floating Text Problem

    Removing the waiting second, didnt change anything. Tried panning my camera to the temporary positions through triggers, weird thing is, they all show up when I do the panning to that area. And when I remove the panning, the same two that always are not appearing doesnt appear. Maybe it is...
  11. M

    Floating Text Problem

    The units do exist yes. Tried looking around map for any other floating texts, doesnt seem to be any of those I am looking for. They do not seem to be cluttered together with the other floating texts. The wait 0.01 Seconds at the end was some random stuff I tried as I thought it might be...
  12. M

    Floating Text Problem

    I got these floating text that are being created, but doesnt show up all though they should... Floating Text Events Time - Elapsed game time is 0.02 seconds Conditions Actions -------- Variable Decleration -------- Set Temp_Point_ArmorSeller =...
  13. M

    Need some help with mana/lock off problems

    thanks for the number 2 answers =) I'll try to clarify the mana problem a bit I have this trigger in mind where when a units gets 100% of its mana something will happen, it should be for any unit on the map. Not a certain unit.
  14. M

    Need some help with mana/lock off problems

    Basically I want an event that fires off when a unit gains 100% of its mana, I cant seem to find it in GUI. Edit: I mean when any unit gains mana, those I find that can achieve what I want only seem to fire off on variables or certain chosen units. Also locking off player slots, like I want one...
  15. M

    how to stop the attacking mobs to stop attacking?

    Thanks flare it worked =), and yes I am using players as mobs. No idea how they could malfunction.