Recent content by muzzel

  1. muzzel

    "New" TH design template - why?

    I always wanted to ask why the style of this website was changed into this incredibly annoying ~400px fixed-width shit. I know its been there for quite some time but after it was changed i didnt bother logging in anymore because i found it impossible to work with the new website, so im asking...
  2. muzzel

    System BuffStruct

    As far as i remember this system doesnt even handle the duration of buffs (except the destroyeTimed), but you can code that yourself. The problem i see about an integer that just counts the current instances on the unit via struct member is: This way you have only 1 instance of the buff +...
  3. muzzel

    System BuffStruct

    Too bad the bug with the bufficon removal on multiple buff instances of same type has not been fixed, is there some kind of inofficial fix somewhere? Otherwise im really thinking about fixing it, should be less work then writing a similar system from scratch.
  4. muzzel

    [ZinC] Stub methods?

    Hm thats ugly, i actually need "abstract structs" to forbit instantiation of the superstruct anyway, so interfaces make sense. Thx
  5. muzzel

    Discussion So what's your favorite save/load system and why? : )

    i like Pipedreams, it creates small codes and still is very fast compared to other systems (with Kode we even reached the op limit im some cases).
  6. muzzel

    [ZinC] Stub methods?

    Hello, im trying to use stub methods in ZinC, just like in vJass, but they just wont work. Im not sure whether ZinC just doesnt support them (quite unlikely) or the keyword is different / im using it the wrong way. Here is my test code: //! zinc library Test { struct A { stub method...
  7. muzzel

    System Advanced Indexing & Data Storage

    You could just replace all UserData calls with Hashtable Lookups. SetUnitUserData(u, i) -> SaveInteger(myHash, GetHandleId(u), 0, i) GetUnitUserData(u) -> LoadInteger(myHash, GetHandleId(u), 0) But this is like 70% slower.
  8. muzzel

    System Advanced Indexing & Data Storage

    The first one is not the Problem, but anyway its easier with function IsUnitIndexed takes unit u returns boolean returnGetUnitId(u) != 0 endfunction But the other two: function OnUnitIndexed takes IndexFunc func returns nothing function OnUnitDeindexed takes IndexFunc func returns nothing...
  9. muzzel

    System Advanced Indexing & Data Storage

    Im not sure whether its a new feature in AutoIndex or you just forgot to implement this in AIDS to provide compatibility, but AIDS does not have the functions: function IsUnitIndexed takes unit u returns boolean function OnUnitIndexed takes IndexFunc func returns nothing function...
  10. muzzel

    Spell Lightning Strike

    maybe you forgot some functions in map header? And you dont need to create a new dummy ability, just change the STRIKE_ID in the sourcecode.
  11. muzzel

    Spell Lightning Strike

    I fixed this spell, cause im gonna use it in my map. It now doesnt need ABC anymore and i hope all leaks are fixed. Some changes i made (sry i thought about uploading it here after i already changed): - only 1 level but damage can depend on stats - i removed some comments library...
  12. muzzel

    System Advanced Indexing & Data Storage

    Hello, im using an AIDS struct to assign custom stats to all units in my map. This works pretty well, my only problem is the initialization order. AIDS is nearly on top of my ini order cause damagedetection and stuff use it. But the .onCreate method of my AIDS struct requires some values that...
  13. muzzel

    Need help with Creep Revival System

    set newCreep = CreateUnit(Player(0), creepType, posX, posY, face) that of course should be dynamic, im sry I used player 1 for debugging ;) Well, he can write his stuff into the conditions function^^ Done, thx Well I do store different stuff in the custom value of units. Thats why I made the...
  14. muzzel

    Need help with Creep Revival System

    I created a creep revivel system for an orpg which revives dying creeps at the spot where they originally were placed, but im not sure whether its performant and doesnt cause laggs or something else. The Idea: Save the positions of the creeps in an array and save the index as customvalue. After...