Recent content by Nazdra

  1. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    For Fan of knives ? If so, pretty cool.
  2. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    True !
  3. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    Alot of those does interrupt mouvement. Just like burrow, warstomp and thunderclap. For the rest of them, I'm not sure. So I'm gonna text them. +Rep to all of you guys.
  4. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    Yes someone did lol. Igor_Z. Divine shield doesn't interrupt mouvement, but Fan of knives does :(
  5. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    Divine shield doesn't target unit, however I don't know if it does or not interrupt mouvement. I'll see that in a min.
  6. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    I just found out that defend is also in this category. And your right Sharkbait87. EDIT: I got ninjaed :) I'll test that for animate death. For the other one, you're right. reEDIT : Animate death does interrupt mouvement.
  7. Nazdra

    Need a list of ability.

    All I actually need at the moment is a list of the spell with no target point/unit that doesn't interrupt mouvement. As far as I know, there is Avatar. Any other spell ?
  8. Nazdra

    In range and in a certain degree

    Great, thank you ! I think it will do the job just fine. +Rep
  9. Nazdra

    In range and in a certain degree

    Alright I understand that it's no easy task for you guys to actually tell me how to do such a thing. Well thanks anyway ! +Rep SharkBait87
  10. Nazdra

    In range and in a certain degree

    I need to check if there's an ennemy in front of the spaceship. If there's one, the projectile will be fired at the ennemy unit position at the firing moment. If there's no ennemy in front of the spaceship as he fire, then the projectile will be fired straight in front of him. In fact, I want...
  11. Nazdra

    In range and in a certain degree

    I know how to do that. The things I actually needs help with is angle. It's been a long time I haven't use the World Editor, and I really don't remember how we check if there is unit in a certain angle. I don't even know if I ever knew it at all. The range doesn't bother me, the angles does. But...
  12. Nazdra

    In range and in a certain degree

    Two things before you guys read or not this wall of text : 1. I'm french, sorry for mistakes. 2. I know, I wrote alot, but hey, I got nothing else to do at the moment. So it's been while since I've been on Wc3. And now that school's over, I grow tired of playing to Team Fortress 2. So I opened...
  13. Nazdra

    What's the order string of Attack-Move

    Oh I see. : / Oh well, thnks I'll see what I can do with this.
  14. Nazdra

    What's the order string of Attack-Move

    No. Or I could just NOT attack at all, since the point is forcing the player to right-click on the unit to attack. I tried that. Smart is right-clicking. Right-clicking on the map don't make your unit attack-move, it just make them move.
  15. Nazdra

    What's the order string of Attack-Move

    For those who just don't understand the title, I want to know what is the order string of Attack-Move. Why ? Because I want to simply disable Attack-Move, so player are forced to click on unit to attack them (with the worker classification). I tryed attack-move, just didn't work. I hope it...