Recent content by ncommand-

  1. ncommand-

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    You sound like your 10 years old no offense lol. I think your lost in warcraft 3 i would recommend something else :P. You have no idea what the point of some games are
  2. ncommand-

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    the load screen isnt slow at all.. as the other guy said probobly a computer that is wooden and runs on a toaster lol
  3. ncommand-

    Gaias Retaliation ORPG Alpha Release

    LOL im sooo sorry but in real life i cant stop laughing lolol. Do you not speak english sir, ill save Zwiebel the rage over this guy CHANGING CLASSES IS NOT OUT YET IN THE PAST 20 POSTS
  4. ncommand-

    Huge ORPG Clan (Gaias Retal ORPG) Clan USEAST!!

    still recruiting for gaias orpg and other orpgs, clan HMx on USEast
  5. ncommand-

    Huge ORPG Clan (Gaias Retal ORPG) Clan USEAST!!

    Hi community, Some of you might know the great rising Gaias Retaliation ORPG that has been getting numerous tons of hits. CLAN WEBSITE LINK : Now there is one of the biggest rising ORPG clans on the net. Whisper ncommand- reconcile ookaneoo taigongwang...