Recent content by Onipix

  1. O

    Tutorial How to make a Fallout-Like Atmosphere

    ughhh seriously. everyone is crediting bethseda for fallout. THEY MESSED THE WHOLE SHIT UP
  2. O

    Noob question

    thats exactly what im trying to do but i can't find it. what the "initial" message. is it in unit group? destructible? Thanks
  3. O

    Question about spell removing

    well you know what you can do? Make it so events like this If unit learns the first fire ice or something ability. then you put an action where it makes a new unit which has only the ability to use those abilities. so like this. give the initial unit only 3 abilities which lead to the 3 other...
  4. O

    Noob question

    Where do you find the loop thingy. Like Loop - Actions?
  5. O

    A few problems

    Ok so right now i need to make sort of supply zones for my map. Bassically like this 1. If supply zone is owned by red (who is allied with players 2 3 4 and 5) i want the enemy (players 6 7 8 9 and 10) to be able to capture it, but i want it to be recapturable by red. Hypothesis: Put this as a...