Recent content by orospu

  1. O

    Tooltip Problem

    Ok. In game, tooltip shows some data fields and don't some. For ex: Just created a new unit and tried to show 'Build Time' or 'Hit Points' in Ubertip: <h000,bldtm> <--- Didn't show <h000,HP> <--- did show It accepts some and ignores others. Problem maybe huh?
  2. O

    Tooltip Problem

    Yes yes. It's about ABILITY. But when you give a unit data field under 'Units' tab in Object Editor it doesn't work. Ability data fields are shown but unit data fields aren't. That's my problem. !
  3. O

    Tooltip Problem

    I can't show unit data on tooltip. I want to put buildtime, bounty, hit points, life regen rate, etc.. on tooltip. For ex., when you select a building and hover mouse over a unit icon I want to show these fields in tooltip. Any reason ?
  4. O

    Player Units Ai

    I think I am lost a bit there. I understand AI is mainly for not-human players (computer players). But is there any good usage of AI which gives me more control over my units? I mean if I want human player units to behave more automatically can I use AI for this? The reason is because I give...
  5. O

    Call To Arms Militia Text

    [Solved] Call To Arms Militia Text Whenever I try to customize Call to Arms spell, the text on the expiration progress bar always indicates 'Militia'. For example I want to use footman instead of militia but it still writes 'Militia'. Is there a way to deal with this?.. I thought maybe...
  6. O

    Making Your Map Can Kick Out People Automatically

    It may sound weird but that's what I exactly want..for now. The map is not ready to be worth to play yet. So I want only some minor number of localize people to test it and return feedback. It's not my intention to lure people into it and let them swarm around an unfinished product..again, for now.
  7. O

    Making Your Map Can Kick Out People Automatically

    Hi, I need a way to kick/ban people from playing my map. I only want people from my country to be able to play the map. I guessed there may be simply a way to detect Country IP of players or maybe something similar to that. Let's say someone hosted my map. I don't want foreign people join the...