Recent content by OxiB00ST!

  1. O

    item drop when hero die.

    So, you basically want an "item" to spawn after X hero dies? It would be something like this. Spawn Item when Hero dies Events Unit - Paladin 0000 <gen> Dies Conditions Actions Item - Create Ring of Protection +5 at (Position of Paladin 0000 <gen>) I think it...
  2. O

    Trigger Questions...

    Shouldn't the (Triggering unit) be equal to Worker?
  3. O

    How to check how much gold the player has?

    Thanks! Now I have one last question: I have this trigger: Create Coins Events Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Item - Create Coin at (Random point in Gold Coins Spawn <gen>) When the game starts, it's turned off. I'm confused between the...
  4. O

    How to check how much gold the player has?

    Well, I'm in need of a trigger that checks the gold of every player (there are four players max.) and the one with most gold is the winner. How can I do this? What conditions/actions should I use?
  5. O

    Revive Potion

    You could make a trigger which creates an actually selectable decoy of the unit, and another that specifies that when you use that spell on the decoy, the hero revives. Is that even posible? I'm not near the editor.
  6. O

    Shops selling only to a certain player?

    Now that I think about it, weren't there shops that you could build in TFT? As long as the teams are enemies, they wouldn't be able to buy or sell from the shops of other teams...
  7. O

    Shops selling only to a certain player?

    I have a question, can you modify shops so they only work for a chosen player? Say you have four shops (goblin markets): one for each team, but you don't want players to be able to use other players' shops. Is this possible?