Recent content by PoZoR

  1. P

    Getting a Sea Giant Behemoth to do the bladestorm animation

    download whirlwind effect model on the hiveworkshop. this is basically so your leviathen thing wont have a little blademaster in the middle spinning. 1. attach the effect to the leviathan 2. play an attack animation and use a timer trigger to pause the animation so the weapon is horizontal...
  2. P

    Spell problem

    that (Cast Point) is an editor suffix.
  3. P

    Spell problem

    increase the expiration timer. the animation backswing time of the dummy caster in addition to the infernal cast time may have exceeded that 2.00 seconds. try removing the expiration timer first to see if it works.
  4. P

    What tutorials would you want?

    a tutorial on how to turn warcraft food into a useable currency, so then you have gold, lumber and food as part of item/unit costs.
  5. P

    SkullBasher / BlinkStrike Jumps

    Pause the unit.
  6. P

    why this weather effect dont always works

    can't see much wrong with that trigger, but if your problem is that sometimes it randomly doesnt work, i think it's very likely you have conflicting spells. say for example your glacial storm is based on warstomp and you have another spell on your hero based on warstomp, then they will conflict...
  7. P

    Help with spell

    usually if something is facing east it means 0 degrees, the default for any trigger action that somehow cannot acquire an angle. i dont recall or use "casting unit" as a reference in any actions for triggers, referencing triggering unit seems to be the most problem free, instead of casting unit...
  8. P

    The Trainer Unit

    show me your trigger.
  9. P

    Hero doesn't revive

    your event is wrong in the fact that it causes the units to not be revived. with your event, you can still move the units around and such, but a unit does not actually become revivable the moment they die, it's a few seconds afterwards. therefore when the actions run with that event, everything...
  10. P

    Trying to make a disease cloud black

    it will only lag if you do not destroy the special effect afterwards. lag is only caused by memory leaks, almost all of which can be removed using custom scripts.
  11. P

    Hero doesn't revive

    im saying the EVENT in your trigger is wrong...
  12. P

    The Trainer Unit

    wat trigger are you trying to make exactly?
  13. P

    Units in range matching condition - Please explain

    and make sure you remove unit group leaks with that, otherwise your map will get slower and slower with every spell cast. if you don't know how, just google warcraft world editor memory leak
  14. P

    The Trainer Unit

    if i remember correctly, there is an event for "unit finishes training a unit" that would be the triggering unit. the unit that comes out is the trained unit.
  15. P

    Is it possible to stack non-charge type items? (ironwood branch?)

    i think he means stacking the item abilities together, rofl. something like, a +1 str item and a +2 str item together gives +3 str. either way, i stand by my point that you must create a new item for every single combination ^_^