Recent content by rafaxik

  1. rafaxik

    Spell Not working?

    no one is replying =/
  2. rafaxik

    Help with spell

    anyone else? Thx for helping me neurotoxin
  3. rafaxik

    Help with spell

    haha I've got to sleep too =/ See(read) you tomorrow :D Thx Edit: So... any ideas? anyone?
  4. rafaxik

    Help with spell

    Map Size is too big for the forum =/ it exceeds 3 mb... For your question, there are leaks I can't see where, maybe I put in the wrong position, Idk. I cast the spell, and it channels a few siphon mana, doesn't work for all enemies around the wisp. And it works, at most, twice... It...
  5. rafaxik

    Help with spell

    Neither do I :D If you can, thank you
  6. rafaxik

    Help with spell

  7. rafaxik

    Help with spell

    Hi there... I was trying to create a spell that summons a Wisp to drain life and mana from enemies around him whenever his enemies stays in his range. Then it give all life and mana obtained and give it to the hero that summoned it in life and mana, respectively. It's just like a wisp to cast...
  8. rafaxik

    Spell Request Thread

    Summon Spirit Wisp Well, I read Spells request thread oO anyway, I'll create a thread... thx
  9. rafaxik

    Item to silence target

    Actually works, I've tested, but I've never seen any projectile being deflected, but the damage. But +rep for helping me out. Actually, my question was about the silence ability, as you told =) and you've told another question that I was wondering :D. Anyway, thanks and +rep for you, helping...
  10. rafaxik

    Item to silence target

    Hi it's me again :) well, if anyone knows dota, it's an item called Orchid's Malevolence, which I want one of those abilities. The silence... Gives: 20 Intelligence 30 Attack Speed 45 Damage 225% Mana Regeneration Active: Soul Burn Silences a target unit and amplifies the...
  11. rafaxik

    Order for Harvest off issue

    Found the solution: The order is "unharvest".
  12. rafaxik

    Order for Harvest off issue

    Hi, as the title says, does anybody know what is the order to harvest off? I just know the harvest on order "harvest", I'd need to know what'd be the order to return resources to closest town hall. If you know, please tell me. Anyway, I was working on it: Focused on Harvest Events...
  13. rafaxik

    What's the order for Vampiric Potion? Please

    Don't need to be MUI,only GUI. I'll try to give the item to hero. For the doom issue, it can't even cast the spell that starts the trigger anyway. Thanks for you both, I'll try it when I get home.
  14. rafaxik

    What's the order for Vampiric Potion? Please

    I was afraid you'd say that... Hero already has an orb effect, mask of death will work but my previous orb won't. Anyway, thank you
  15. rafaxik

    What's the order for Vampiric Potion? Please

    Basically, hero uses battle roar and gains vampiric potion abilitiy, converting 15 % of his attacks into life. Yeah I know I could trigger a damage detection, but the problems are: Hero is ranged; Also already has an orb effect/buffplacer ability The trigger is: I forgot to say: The hero...