Recent content by REND.Soul.42

  1. REND.Soul.42

    About MultiboardSetTitleText() and GetLocalPlayer()

    Oh, I see. That was a relief! ^^ I thought it would cause a desync. Well, I managed to it with just one multiboard for all and setting the text locally. It took a bit of effort but it works dandy. ;) Thanks for the help! :D btw.. how do you add rep here?
  2. REND.Soul.42

    About MultiboardSetTitleText() and GetLocalPlayer()

    Hi! This is my very first thread. I'm currently loving this forum :) I have a question: can you use MultiboardSetTitleText() and GetLocalPlayer() like this? What I want to happen is like in DOTA's multiboard title (different title for each player). function MyFunction takes nothing...
  3. REND.Soul.42

    Looking for friends :)

    Looking for friends :)