Recent content by reuu

  1. R

    Help please, trigger working in single player not multiplayer

    Naw they are pre-placed buildings, I haven't got any code specific to multiplayer or single player. its just really weird, almost like In multiplayer the checks just don't go off, prob going to have to re-design the system, perhaps theres other systems out there that prevent deselection ill have...
  2. R

    Help please, trigger working in single player not multiplayer

    the part that is not working is the if conditions, even when I select these buildings that shouldn't force me back to my hero, im still being forced back to my hero
  3. R

    Help please, trigger working in single player not multiplayer

    Hey guys just hoping for some insight for whats happening here, works fine in single player but not multiplayer The trigger basically forces selection back to the players main character if they deselect, unless they click on various units/buildings, not sure how to import code so ill make it as...
  4. R

    Checking spell leve?

    hey guys just wondering how can i check the spell level through conditions so like, "ability being cast equal to 'spell name' of spell level '#'" hopefuly thats clear enough, i jsut want to trigger different effects as the spells are leveled up without replacing the spell thx
  5. R

    Region trigger doesn't work

    in my experience ive found the function center region to not work very well if at all, sometimes it does, sometimes it just flat out fails, not sure why
  6. R

    Unit Changing and Triggers

    maybe this will help not sure, i was having problems refering to metamorph units and this seemed to solve it, not sure if its completely satisfactory or what your looking for, just trying to help
  7. R

    uni-installing jassnewgen

    thanks guys
  8. R

    uni-installing jassnewgen

    i suppose i could but my virus detector said it had 2+ trojans when installed, even if they're not real virus's i would like to make sure they're un-installed, so shift+delete folder wont be reliable if they're anywhere but that folder, surely it comes with an uninstall option?
  9. R

    uni-installing jassnewgen

    hey guys, just wondering how do i cleanly un-install jass-newgen and everything that came with it, i cant find an uninstall.exe and its not listed in my programs add/remove list, I dont want to just shift+delete the folder, i want to uni-stall it cleanly, help please.
  10. R

    Making My Own basic Delay Reducer, Help!

    we havent decided what coding language yet, we could use java or c++ i dont think it matters, unless of course the files we need to manipulate are different per coding language, my main problem is like i said, we are unsure as to what files we need to manipulate or call on to even begin...
  11. R

    making own basic DR

    sorry that this is offtopic guys, but none of the other forums have users browsing, and we're trying to get this finished so we can play wc3 online comfortablly again. Does any one know where or how i can learn the functions wc3dr is using when you input your desired Delay amount. Me and...
  12. R

    Making Own Basic DR, Help please

    Does any one know where or how i can learn the functions wc3dr is using when you input your desired Delay amount. Me and my friends are trying to make our own little program while DR is down, with the main function/outcome being set wc3 delay to 90 We wont bother with all the additonal...
  13. R

    Making My Own basic Delay Reducer, Help!

    Does any one know where or how i can learn the functions wc3dr is using when you input your desired Delay amount. Me and my friends are trying to make our own little program while DR is down, with the main function/outcome being set wc3 delay to 90 We wont bother with all the additonal...
  14. R

    Wc3 optimizer Removing Text From spell

    In game, Of the optimized Version, I just Unchecked almost all The Optimizing and special cleaning boxes apart from the custom script. And it still wont show
  15. R

    Wc3 optimizer Removing Text From spell

    Hey guys not sure if many or any of you use wc3 map optimizer 4.7 But whenever i optimize my map through it, I lose the text on a select few spells The spells are all The same Aura, And they're on stationary Buildings. each building might have a total of 5 auras. They're basically just...