Recent content by smogas

  1. S

    help with trigger

    well i need that abilities would share cooldown ( if one ability is being cast the other will get cooldown as well ) @_@
  2. S

    help with trigger

    i did everything except for the cooldowns ;|
  3. S

    help with trigger

    i don't want to cast it i just wan't to replace one ability with other.
  4. S

    help with trigger

    i want to create a trigger that would switch one ability with other ability when i activate another ability (mana shield on = abilities changes from x to y ,mana shield off = from y to x) also that x and y abilities would have same levels and shared cooldown (if possible @_@) .
  5. S

    elune grace

    to shift :thats right xd
  6. S

    elune grace

    no i want to make shielded unit slower when he activates mana shield. I guess ill need to use another passive skill?If yes i'd like to know how could i hide them(icons) .
  7. S

    elune grace

    as i said there is no movement / attack speed reduction. And i think there is nothing wrong with these triggers : ManaShieldON Events Unit - A unit Is issued an order with no target Conditions (Issued order) Equal to (Order(manashieldon)) Actions...
  8. S

    elune grace

    i created ability based on Defend but it reduce only pierce and magic attacks. Then i created an ability based on mana shield and needed some negative effects( attack speed reduction , movement reduction, damage reduction and positive effect - Deflect) which defend skill had(defend is no good...
  9. S

    elune grace

    why is it partly working. It can deflect but attack speed and movement speed doesn't change at all no matter how you will change values in the object editor :confused:
  10. S

    Mana shield art

    Is it possible to remove that blue circle on unit when activating mana shield .
  11. S

    Damage reduction trigger problem

    That works thanks, but now i am worried about "Like if a unit has 100 HP, and I damage him for 100 HP, then he wouldn't recieve the +HP, because he's already died..." what can i do so this wouldn't happen.
  12. S

    Damage reduction trigger problem

    i used 0.01 to test the trigger. i thought if it is 0.01 the unit would take very little damage so it will be easy to see while testing. the true value supposed to be 0.5 .
  13. S

    Damage reduction trigger problem

    Firstly, happy new year to all. Now back to the trigger @_@ : Defend Learn Events Unit - A unit Learns a skill Conditions (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Defend (Learned skill level) Equal to 3 Actions Set Caster = (Triggering unit)...
  14. S

    how to make?

    used collision off method , because i dont want it fly over all terrain i.e. cliffs , mountains. Too bad there is no other way ;d
  15. S

    rooted / uprooted abilities

    how to determine which abilities will be set to uprooted or rooted form of ancient.If be more precise i am more interested in uprooted form ,cause every ability i add using triggers or object editor is added to rooted form and none to uprooted :confused: