Recent content by Templarion

  1. T

    Epic Search of Kodo Tag Extremes/Remixes

    I hope you are wrong. Tags are the only reason I am playing this game anymore. :( Thanks for the answer, anyway.
  2. T

    Epic Search of Kodo Tag Extremes/Remixes

    Kodo Tag Extreme 5.0 was buggy in the Warcraft's 1.23 version and now, after the updates, it does not work anymore. Kodo Tag Remix is damn good but it could be even better. Where are ForTheUnion and Jack-o-Latern? Are they still updating their maps? Where can I download the latest version...
  3. T

    More than 11 buildings?

    I recommend you to think again does the game really need more than 11 buildings. Yes, it is possible to do that (as informed above) but the usability factor and the fun factor probably don't increase in the same relation. Meaning: more buildings = harder to learn = harder to play ≠ more fun...
  4. T

    detect range between generic units

    Can't you use this event? Unit - A unit comes within 75.00 of <Unit> You can't preset the in-game made unit but you can preset the heros, right? Or do the players control huge amount of units? If so, then I am out of ideas. EDIT: Actually, you could also use this Event: Unit - A unit Is...
  5. T

    [GUI trigger] Spawning too many units

    I'm just so silly. Forgot to set the size of the arrays. Ok. I did it and it helped. Thank you AceHart (+rep)! PS. Just not sure why Spawner 8 still spawns 8 orcs.
  6. T

    detect range between generic units

    Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 512.00 of (Position of (Triggering unit))) and do (Actions) Loop - Actions Is this what you are searching for? You could tell us what are you trying to do so we could help you more specifically.
  7. T

    help a noob

    There are lots of them. You can Google for them. Here is one in example: I also recommend you to read the forum rules and FAQ. Topics like this "Help a noob" are not very informative. It could be more like: "I need help with basic...
  8. T

    [GUI trigger] Spawning too many units

    Here is the first trigger that lists units. Initialization trigger runs it once in the beginning: InitializeOrcArrays Events Conditions Actions -------- FILL ORC SPAWNER ARRAY -------- Set OrcsSpawner[1] = Orc Burrow (spawner) 0145 <gen> Set...
  9. T

    Loading screen

    As someone said, "I've seen worse in the Battle.Net". I really needed to watch the picture for a couple of seconds to realize what is happening there. I already started to write when I looked the picture again and saw it way differently. It is too blurry and messy. In addition to that...
  10. T

    hehehe, Open Tech Support(USEast) people can be so funny somtimes...

    Fake or not. It is damn funny at least! Some said that it was a waste of time but it wasn't. You see how many people have actually got amusement out of it! :P
  11. T

    What Feature would you want in WE?

    Oh yeah, not only voice coding but MIND CODING! I plug myself into USB port, World Editor reads my thoughts and creates a map I was thinking about. That would be awesome!
  12. T

    Find out how much your map is hosted - every day!

    Great site! Thanks for it (+rep). *crying* My map has not been hosted today. Well, it ain't a surprise either... :cool:
  13. T

    Gui,Jass, and vJass

    I have been using GUI all the time. It is about 3 years now and still using GUI. I have never needed JASS and that is basicly why I haven't bothered my mind learning it.
  14. T

    Stopping dissipation

    I don't remember the exact spot but in the object editor (F6) there is the field where you can change if the unit is "revivable" and does it "decay" when it dies. Try changing the value of it.
  15. T

    warcraft 3 shutdown

    I really don't know. I always uninstall, defragment and reinstall if something doesn't work and I have no idea why. That's something you can try at least.