Recent content by TheBronze

  1. T

    New map size limit likely

    Honestly, this talk is offensive. I created a map that hits the limit (Coming of the Horde Sure it uses lots of custom stuff, but I think the gameplay is unique enough and fun enough that it doesn't matter what the limit is, there are going to be...
  2. T

    How to show a player name when leaving?

    Is there an easier way to do colors?
  3. T

    How to show a player name when leaving?

    Hello, I'm trying to create a trigger, so that when I use the event a player leaves the game, I can make an action that says "that players name (in a color) has left the game." How would I do that? Right now I just have a text message saying the players name, then one under it saying "has...
  4. T

    Creating a trigger than does what Engineering Upgrade does...

    The problem isn't with engineering upgrade itself, I can get it work fine, the problem is when I use the ability in the game, it creates a 1 second freeze everytime you upgrade it, so I'm looking to trigger it. Flare's idea seems to be a good one, but it will mean that you will be able to go...
  5. T

    Creating a trigger than does what Engineering Upgrade does...

    Hi guys, I was wondering how I could create a GUI trigger that does the same thing as engineering upgrade. Unforunately the ability has a weird 1 second game freeze everytime time you learn or upgrade the ability. Could someone please show me how to trigger it? Thanks.
  6. T

    Player leaves, share control, need a trigger please help!

    Here is what I have. Alliance is a playergroup variable that includes everyone I want the units to be give too. Red Leaves Events Player - Player 1 (Red) leaves the game Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do...
  7. T

    Player leaves, share control, need a trigger please help!

    I did what I showed above and it didn't work, I'll try what you listed Prison. Thanks.
  8. T

    Player leaves, share control, need a trigger please help!

    Can't seem to find that action. Under player properties I can activate "share units," but it gives everyone command of everyone else from the get-go. I have a new idea, untested, here it is: Untitled Trigger 001 Events Player - Player 1 (Red) leaves the game Conditions...
  9. T

    Player leaves, share control, need a trigger please help!

    Hi, I'm having issues testing this one, since I can't do it alone, so I'm looking for someone to give me a working version of a trigger that does this: Event - A player leaves No Conditions Action - All allies of said player get full control of that players units. Seems easy...
  10. T

    Creating magic resistance possible? Please Help

    Wow I'm a loser, I do use Spell Damage reduction, I just screwed it up, nevermind. Sorry guys
  11. T

    Creating magic resistance possible? Please Help

    Hello. I'm trying to create a skill similar to the Anti-mages spell resistance spell which reduces the amount of damage my hero will take from spells. This should not require triggering. Unforunately if I use the "Spell Immunity" ability, make it a hero spell, give it some levels, then...
  12. T

    WC# CPU ultilization goes to 100% when running ... Ideas?

    I'm at wits end here with this problem. My computer runs fine, my network fine, WC3 fine, then at the beginning of April I can no longer play WC3 (TFT) online. It just lags so bad and if I am lucky to get into a game, I get disconnected fast. I figure its a connection issue, but turns out it...
  13. T

    Some help with two spells please?

    Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Black Arrow Actions Set Flamingbladeloc = (Position of (Triggering unit)) Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 1.00 of Flamingbladeloc) and do...
  14. T

    Some help with two spells please?

    No, sorry. :( Also how do you make an ability with applies a specific buff? I tried adding a buff to cleaving attack, then going and attacking people, it didn't add the buff.
  15. T

    Some help with two spells please?

    I have no clue how to do that. I'm just not real good with GUI, but I learn quick if someone could teach me, I'd really appericate it.