Recent content by titusthefox

  1. T

    The Terrain Thread

    Sorry to be the worst poster ever - i'm gonna get flamed for this I know, but I did try to search, still couldn't find it so here goes. I'm unable to make the bridges look natural or even fit them inn in any possible fashion. Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to place bridges so they...
  2. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Different issue this time Okey, different issue this time - figured i'd post it here though so I don't end up spamming the forums with my threads ^^ Okey, I did this once - but I can't for the life of me do it again :p how do I remove hero level cap? And as a bonus question, can I also...
  3. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Aye, sleep sounds good :) Good night, thanks for everything :)
  4. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    The end trigger did the job :) It seems though that it didn't require the town hall to be completed to trigger itself - the units spawned as soon as the 6 farms where done and the town hall wasn't even finished yet :p maybe it should be "and" instead of "or" if thats even possible? :p anyhu...
  5. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Okey, I got them to spawn, but here's a new problem :p They spawned x3 times :p My triggers thus far: Alliance reinforcement Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 10 (Light Blue) Finishes construction Conditions ((Unit-type of (Constructed structure)) Equal to...
  6. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    ((Unit-type of (constructed unit)) Equal to Farm) or ((Unit-type of (constructed unit)) Equal to Town Hall) I can't fint (constructed unit)) , is it maybe supposed to be constructed structure? ...Yay, page 2 ftw :)
  7. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Alliance reinforcement Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 10 (Light Blue) Finishes construction Conditions ((Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Farm) or ((Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Town Hall) (Number of units in (Units in Build farms1...
  8. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Arg, no units appeared :| pretty sure I got it right. Alliance reinforcement Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 10 (Light Blue) Finishes construction Conditions (Unit-type of (Constructed structure)) Equal to Farm (Unit-type of (Constructed structure))...
  9. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    A sweet, thanks both of ya :) I'll try it right away :D
  10. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Ugh, I have to be honest with you and admit I don't understand you :p I'm sorry, but english is not one of my native languages so I can't interpeid different variations of it very well :| Thanks for trying though :) (Number of units in (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Unit-type of...
  11. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Alliance reinforcement Events Unit - A unit owned by Player 10 (Light Blue) Finishes construction Conditions (Unit-type of (Constructed structure)) Equal to Farm (Unit-type of (Constructed structure)) Equal to Town Hall Actions Unit - Create 1...
  12. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Aye Aye, it sure is :) But I am having problems finding each different code, could you maybe tell me where to go for each code? :p Sorry for my lack of skills :D
  13. T

    WAR3 Editor, need help with triggers

    Hey all, I am playing around with making maps and a campaign and i've hit a snag. I am sure the answer to it is very easy, but for some reason it has eluded me with ease :p Here's the thing: I want a trigger that spawns creatures for me when the player has built 1 town hall and 6 farms...