Recent content by unijoux

  1. U

    Minecraft: To Buy or not to buy?

    Im not sure if you can do this anymore, but if you log in to a friends account at home.. and then download and patch minecraft you will get the game which will allow you to play in offline mode and not multiplayer. But you will need to log in now and then to update Minecraft.
  2. U

    New patch coming soon!

    The whole snipe nerf is such a overkill.. i understand from zergs perspective but when you have a broodlord/infestor, ling/bling comp how can you handle it now? People say marines are OP etc but the ghost was the main backbone to handling composition. I don't understand why ghost got the emp...
  3. U

    TH Mini-Tournament Series #4 (1v1) [RESULTS]

    I should be playing my games today, but what you could use is challonge cups? it might be a good way since it allows you to have a tournament format. Link -
  4. U

    TH Mini-Tournament Series #4 (1v1) [RESULTS]

    Anychance i could play please? ID: unijoux 787 Race: Terran Realm: EU Timezone (Base it off of GMT): GMT+0 Country: England thankies