Recent content by Urgan

  1. U

    Update Floating Text?

    D'oh! So simple... I really need to wake up. Thanks!
  2. U

    Update Floating Text?

    Alright, I've ran into a problem with my map that I've blindly run into. In my map I have 2 teams. These teams kill each other, of course. The "souls" of their enemies go to a seperate part of the map, and there is floating text to tell you how many souls are currently there. Heres my...
  3. U

    Multiboard Question - Tracking Team kills only

    Thanks a lot Kahiera! I was able to kill a person in my map and see a 1 come up successfully. Hopefully I wont run into further problems with the board. Thanks again, much appreciated! :)
  4. U

    Multiboard Question - Tracking Team kills only

    Ah, alrighty... what trigger would I do instead?
  5. U

    Multiboard Question - Tracking Team kills only

    I really appreciate the help! Numbers are appearing now.. but not the ones I'd hope for. When I get a kill, instead of one point, it gives me 11. Events Unit - A unit Dies Conditions ((Dying unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (Killing unit))) Equal to True ((Dying unit) is...
  6. U

    Multiboard Question - Tracking Team kills only

    heres as far as I can go... Events Unit - A unit Dies Conditions ((Dying unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (Killing unit))) Equal to True ((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True Or - Any (Conditions) are true Conditions ((Killing unit) belongs to...
  7. U

    Multiboard Question - Tracking Team kills only

    Thats another thing too, I'm not sure how exactly to make a trigger that adds points to a row/column.. :( thanks though :)
  8. U

    Multiboard Question - Tracking Team kills only

    Hello, I've been having some trouble with my multiboard recently.. in that I've little to no experience with them. I've tried. I can set them up nicely enough.. with fancy colors and spacing and all that jazz. However, my main problem is trying to get it to track kills. My multiboard will...