Recent content by Valeur

  1. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    Does this make it spawn at each's individual spawn area? Like everybody in the map has his own 'area'.
  2. V

    Count-up timer in GUI?

    I want to make a timer that counts the time from when a creep leaves REGION(A) to it enters REGION(B).. It needs to be individual for each player in the game. How is it done?
  3. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    Btw, is there a quick command for only spawning a builder for players in the game? I've been trying to figure it out.
  4. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    nevermind i figured it out! :) thanks again
  5. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    That fixed it :D. Now that I have your attention, how can I have the camera a bit more zoomed OUT for all players, all the time? Is it even possible?
  6. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    Wow.. I got a problem.. When I run this in test, it always places the same amount (thats a fixed amount for each category) at the same places (for each category). Like when I do 1-20 towers it places 19 towers in the exact same 19 spots each time.. when i do between 1-10 it places 8 towers in...
  7. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    You own so hard! :) Thanks a lot. If I like want the two types to be: normal towers - i want many of these. clap towers - i want few of these. should i just make like 7 integer arrays with normal towers and 1 with clap towers?
  8. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    Wow, very nice :) But my other problem is that, it has to be a random number. Player 1 can choose a 'random' amount of 'random' towers per round. Like say, he chooses "many towers" or "few towers" and it places either few (randomly) towers or many (randomly) towers.. How do I do this? If I...
  9. V

    Placing towers randomly in GUI

    Okay. I need to make a trigger in GUI (cuz i'm a jass spass) that places a random amount of towers, some of which can be CLAP towers, in several different regions - but is the same for EACH region. After each round, the towers need to be destroyed, and a NEW random pattern created the next...
  10. V

    Fairly simple map - wc3 editor retard

    Timer I have another problem. How do I make a timer that counts UP - which means, NOT a countdown timer, but a counter that counts time elapsed?
  11. V

    Fairly simple map - wc3 editor retard

    Bumping for gayness.
  12. V

    Best Framerate you'd Expect?

    If that was for me, it sure feels like I can :/. Or else it's because low fps is an indicator of spikes to come, or whatever it is. I always make the /fps command upon entering a game. But on this brand new comp of mine, I haven't really dropped low yet :/.
  13. V

    Fairly simple map - wc3 editor retard

    I know editing the original map would be easier - it was also my original idea - but I don't understand the weird Jass language or whatever it is :). To clarify what my issues are: I need to have an amount of gold delivered to EACH player (every player gets same amount - but the amount is...
  14. V

    Best Framerate you'd Expect?

    Always 60. Anything below 50 is almost unplayable. I whine hard when I drop below 40 while playing dota. But that's competitive level, so you want things to be smooth.
  15. V

    Fairly simple map - wc3 editor retard

    Hello People. I have been playing a custom map with me and my friends. I've decided I wanted to further 'improve' this custom map, and it wasn't locked material, so I opened it up to edit. Unfortunately, everything was written in GUI or Jass or something, which I am a complete retard at, so I...