Recent content by vuongkkk

  1. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    Update: ver 2.1 Changelog - Good at destruction behavior! Thanks Nestharus, The Junction between your sys and mine failed for many reasons! However, i achieved your "good destruction behavior" with the queue. I also used your instance recycler. The local texttags is a difficult prob to...
  2. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    Big update: ver 2.0 Changelog - Change all except the function name. Sure i'm not good at naming - Added more description => Result - Sure the code and the description are clear now - How to use? I think it can't be easier...
  3. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    what kind of bloated trash this code will compile to:You are total right about that. The size of map demo is lagger ~15kb than the origin system code size (~30kb)! However, all i care are: how fast it runs (the first priority) and how easy to use this system(the second priority) You should learn...
  4. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    Update Ver 1.5 - changes API and code too (except func ###VTexttag_Create in TexttagControllers) then you need update VTexttag and TexttagControllers - Recommend you guys use this ver for the best of performance
  5. vuongkkk

    Texttags recycle themselves ???

    Thanks all. I got it now. So i dont need to make a recycle texttag at all and destroy and create it again. Cause of my system handles all thing manually to have full control !
  6. vuongkkk

    Texttags recycle themselves ???

    If you are correct then CreateTexttag = recycle texttag A lifespan of a texttag ends = DestroyTexttag = store in stack All we said is "If", hope some good guy to make a benchmark And help us to find out recycle texttag and not, they have any difference at speed Or show me how to make a...
  7. vuongkkk

    Texttags recycle themselves ???

    What is the real things Blizzard do behind handling texttags ??? Texttag extends handle, it has function CreateTexttag and DestroyTexttag. And i heard someone that "Texttags recycle themselves under the hood." from here So making a system which recycles texttags is not neccessary? If...
  8. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    With the update of ver 1.4, now VTexttag can be used in a real map. Maybe it is not a perfect system but i tried my best to work. So i guest you can you this system. BTW, create a new style texttag is fun
  9. vuongkkk

    [Question] Native codes and handles (objects)

    I m a newbie and think a thread like this is neccessary to all newbies can post their questions and do NOT make another thread to sink like Titanic What do they mean? native SyncSelections takes nothing returns nothing type trackable extends handle
  10. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    VTexttag system only have 2 block code used to init. One in VTexttag trigger I rewrited like that private struct VTTRuntime private static integer count = 0 readonly texttag tt readonly integer data real age static method create takes integer data returns thistype...
  11. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    If that is I have tested and have no problem with that. This is test code struct VTTTester private static VTTConfig cfg private static real x private static real y static method onTimer takes nothing returns nothing call .cfg.display() endmethod...
  12. vuongkkk

    Think the chat room(IRC) you are working is a good feature. But it should have a function to...

    Think the chat room(IRC) you are working is a good feature. But it should have a function to join chat room instead of automatic.
  13. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    Want to create your own stylish texttag? Try to use code in CustomLib category in my demo map ver 1.5 Feel free to use a struct initializer or module initializer now, man ;)
  14. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    Release Version 1.3 Release Version 1.3 System can recycle texttags. (Performance) No need T32 more. (Independence) System have two objs: config và runtime. (Mean) Config save attribute values of VTexttag, and runtime is the real texttag that is running. Beside auto-destroy...
  15. vuongkkk

    System TexttagUtils

    I can't handle if my system allow to multi-calls .display() because Now, texttag in my sys change over time.To manipulate, i use T32. If a texttag do NOT "die", call .display() = call .startPeriodic() when VTexttag have called .stopPeriodic() => This is a error for sure If i use the way of...