Recent content by zylack

  1. zylack

    Multiboard Help

    Multiboards can take a bit to understand, so you could do a -hide and -show trigger in the meantime.
  2. zylack

    Death Arrow Beta

    I've been working a long time to finallize a great archery tactics style map. I know theres a post simmilar to this I made a long time ago but its changed a lot so its not rly worth editing.. Additions: -Awsome terrain, many places to hide -Arrow system, when you kill people walk over thier...
  3. zylack

    Speak to the AI

    Me: Hello god! God: Hello child. What is your name? Me: assface! God: That's a very nice name, assface. Me: well how are things? God: Interesting. My logic and cognitive functions are normal. Me: i have a few questions for you then. God: What are these questions for me ...
  4. zylack

    What did you do?

    Lol i kissed a mexican cuase im a ninja (same day as pinapple)
  5. zylack


    Dont remember how i found this game but its a lot of fun. It is based off of runescape but for the most part you wont have to worry about 9 year olds...Most of the peopel that play it are pretty cool. I used to play it a while ago, not that many people play it, normall theres only like 12-18 on...
  6. zylack

    What if...

    ThenWeWudBeSpeakindDaDoitch! WhatIfUSpontaneuslyGaveBurthToTobbyTheMagicalAssHamster?
  7. zylack

    Gold income help

    if u want it so it works for multiple gold mines/players do this: E- Untit finishes constuction C- contructid unit = to gold mine A- intergervar[player number of owner of constructing unit]+1 E- unit dies C- dying unit = to goldmine A -intergervar[player number of dying unit]-1...
  8. zylack

    Kick to the nuts costs city $1,750,000

    this man should have been using my patented NUT PROTECTOR: Behold its magical propportians! COMPLETELY PORTIBLE! ONLY 5 FT LONG!!!!easily accessible! Nothing can penetrate it! ONLY $1,108!!!!! buy it now!
  9. zylack


    scary. makes me think a military blob will randomly rape all i love and destroy all my hippos. gj :D also +rep from becuase it had me trmbling in fear from its awsomeness.
  10. zylack

    New Icon!

    i think its sexy ^^
  11. zylack

    how to make my hero UNABLE to buy FROM enemy shops

    events-player selets a unit conditions-selected unit equal to team 1 shop (bolean) triggering player is in (team 2(playergroup) actions-clear selection for triggering player tell the player he cant use that shop here :D hope this helps
  12. zylack

    New test version of archery tactics

    still looking for testers and comements/suggestions *bump*
  13. zylack

    Ahh, It broked!

    I can see the images now :D but sumtimes i cant. most of the time i can though.
  14. zylack


    turn your windows firewall off, instead get a symantec or zone alarm firewall. I've never been able to host with my windows firewall on, it just doesnt seem to work, and anyways zone alarm or symantec are better (i think)
  15. zylack

    Mathematics - Functions

    yes i agree, i'm good at math and i've never had problems with it myself, but its a very well written tutorial that im sure could help the "math challenged." I read through it and learned a few things i forgot in math class :D +rep