The two indices of a hashtable take integer values. Every individual instance of a unit in a map will have a unique handle ID. The handle ID will be an integer. So the unique handle ID of a unit can be used an an index in a hashtable.
To hopefully make this clear, storing the floating text would...
You could look around for a tutorial on hashtables for more information, but the general idea would be this:
After you create the floating text, you would store the handle of the floating text (That would be the 'Hashtable - Save Texttag Handle' action) using Key(Picked Unit) as one index, and...
It's possible with triggers. You would need to base the ability off of one that can be activated and deactivated, like immolation, and remove any effects it has other than consuming mana per second. Then you would need to use triggers to add the aura when the base ability is activated, and...
That's because he damages every unit in the area, including himself. You would need to put every unit within range into a unit group, then pick every unit in the group, and if they are an enemy of the caster, then damage the unit.
Use a positive value on Howl of Terror. A positive value will subtract the amount of armor you want from the targeted units. Using a negative number will add armor.
I entered 20 into the field and chain lightning hit 20 targets, so it worked for me. See if you can make chain lightning hit more than 16 targets in a test map. If you can, then there would be something else in your map causing the problem, and if you can't then the problem would be with...
For Problem 1, you can set a point to be in the middle of two other points like this:
Set Point3 = (Point1 offset by ((Distance between Point1 and Point2) / 2.00) towards (Angle from Point1 to Point2) degrees)
For Problem 2, you haven't said what's going wrong with the trigger.
You can use the ability Charge Gold and Lumber to create an ability that would cost lumber to activate. You would have to trigger whatever effects you would want the ability to have though. Also, you can check if a player has a certain amount of lumber by using an Integer Comparison, Player -...
The custom value of the item wouldn't be equal to the gold cost of the item unless you are manually setting it to it. If you aren't then you could try setting the item level of every item to its gold cost, and then increasing the gold of the player by the item level of the item.
So you want heroes to only be able to hold one copy of each item? Use something like this:
Unit - A unit Acquires an item
Set Integer = 0
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions...
There would be no Damage source or Attacking unit with that event. You would need to do something like this:
Unit - A unit Is attacked
(Level of Spiked Carapace for (Attacked unit)) Greater than 0
Unit - Cause (Attacked...
I'd assume so, but you'll have to use localplayer. I'm not too familiar with jass, but if you search for displaying multiboards for a single player you should be able to find how to use it.