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  1. V

    Custom sounds and sound sets.

    No, no, no. I watch topic, but I had no access to internet in past two weeks. I have it today and I won't have it in another two weeks. Anyway for your sounds this is awesome start! I like card sounds, plus rep :D For chips, did you ever saw a poker table, it has green stuff (called felt)...
  2. V

    Custom sounds and sound sets.

    Bump, any sounds that I requested? :)
  3. V

    Problems catching Acolyte Gather Gold ability

    OK, thank you, I'll do that :)
  4. V

    Problems catching Acolyte Gather Gold ability

    Thanks for trying, waiting your answer :)
  5. V

    Help with World Editor

    I guess he refers to wingen, and he probably had cracked version, so it f- up his version.
  6. V

    Problems catching Acolyte Gather Gold ability

    Hi, I want to catch event when Acolyte starts gathering gold. But, this trigger isn't working: PlayerActionGather Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Gather (Acolyte Gold) Actions Game - Display to...
  7. V

    Can someone help me turn this into jass

    And so we have our 6.21c version with service pack 2.005.3224j included, along with all optimizations made in 6.20b (patch 17). BUT, memory requirements have changed, but we’re not going to tell you how because we’ve been unable to talk our tech writer down from the window ledge for this...
  8. V

    Can someone help me turn this into jass

    If you suspect that then you put a call to DisplayTimedTextToForce at start of a trigger (and any crucial point). That would be some kind of debugging. Like this: DisplayTimedTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), 10.00, "Yeah bi**h trigger is working!!")
  9. V

    Newgen Virus???

    Similarly some games are detected as key loggers, but in fact they monitor keyboard in order for you to "control" the game.
  10. V

    Modelpack Skins and Models - Lighting and Modern Objects

    Thanks for link, I think author should replace his link with this one.
  11. V

    Accessing Ability Data from Trigger

    Can you please describe solution in little more detail? What is channel and base order id? Sorry for asking, but I just don't understand. Thanks for help anyway.
  12. V

    Accessing Ability Data from Trigger

    Because it was easier that way to make 10 abilities. I just want some dummy ones that when casted do nothing but raise an event for me. Any easier way to do what I want?
  13. V

    Accessing Ability Data from Trigger

    Thanks. But, I decided not to take that way. I have another problem, it's this: I took ability "Item Healing (Lesser)" and made 10 dummy abilities that I will give one my unit. So when that unit casts one ability that means player has chosen something, but when I cast one spell all 10...
  14. V

    Custom sounds and sound sets.

    Sorry for double post, but aren't these sounds used in Counter-Strike??? You can find them anywhere... EDIT: Poker chips:
  15. V

    Custom sounds and sound sets.

    Cards being dealt. Well it's like taking cards from card deck and after some time card hits the felt. Like in real poker game, try dealing cards and you will hear. Chips. Did you ever played with chips, then the sound of putting let's say 4-5 chips would be call, 15-20 a raise and 30+ all in. I...
  16. V

    Accessing Ability Data from Trigger

    Hi, is it possible somehow to access Ability Data values from trigger, I figure maybe by Game - Cache Load Real Value. Is it possible and how? Thanks. Sincerely, Filip.
  17. V

    Newgen Virus???

    I wasn't aware of that kind of functionality in that software.
  18. V

    Chat Message of Player

    Whatever, i said sorry.
  19. V

    Newgen Virus???

    I like to be sure that anything I run isn't a virus (too many times my Windows sank to the bottom). So I use Kaspersky. If you don't have one, don't be desperate, visit this link: Upload a file to their site and scan it. However not all viruses can be...