Firstly, make the ability based off "Berserk" or "Unholy Fever"(I forgot what it was called)
Set everything to 0 so that you gain no bonus damage or attack speed from the ability.
Set the duration to 15 as you wanted.
Now go make a new buff based off whichever ability you chose.
Just change the...
Get a trigger.
Make it run like 0.5 seconds of gametime.
Create a dummy unit
Add the spell you want to preload to it.
Remove the dummy unit
Destroy the trigger
That is basically it.
You can actually use the "Map Initialization" event as the event instead of 0.5 seconds of gametime.
A unit starts the effect of an ability
Ability being cast equal to Something
Set Target = Target Unit of ability being cast
Make Target Invulnerable
<<Add the divine shield special effect to the origin of the target>>(Sorry forgot the command)
Set Effect =...
Havent seen one ability thats stampede based..
would look nice if you change the models and missile speeds.
Its even easy to make :D
A Stampeding tower is cool.
Next could be a % chance to make the damage dealt by some tower become composite type damage.. could be a buff, could be an aura or...
set it to
Set Temp_Group = (Units within 115.00 of (Position of MH_Link[MH_Links]) matching (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((Matching Unit) is a structure) equal to false)
btw, that code looks like emjlr3's meat hook o.o
Use a trigger that loops or uses a timer instead of using For each Integer A from x to x.
Make a new trigger
Looping Trigger
Every 0.01 game-time seconds
//Add actions here
Set N = (N+1)
N is greater than 50
Turn off...
Okay.. So I need to know which code to use instead of GetAttackedUnitBJ()
Since I don't want to use the BJs.
I looked through an there wasn't any GetAttackedUnit :eek: