What do you mean the source of the web wasn't elaborated? It had a part where it said a company designed an incredibly strong thread that you can pack hundreds of metres into a small pill capsule sized space. And Peter designed the delivery method (The wrist shooter thing)
Neat little thing I found on reddit. Don't know how accurate it is, but still fairly neat.
Apparently I have a lower BMI than 91% of Canadian males between ages of 15-20 and lower than 71% of the world between 15-20
I really hate those kind of replies...
I agree with vine, it had flaws, but it was still a good movie. I hate the people that say the original 3 were better because the new one copied it. It;s an origin story, of course there will be similarities
I have a level 25 WD HC and am willing to start another for the sake of a group. Count me in. Are we going to organize times and play the char only with each other or what?
I have been an avid follower and rather enjoy it. You know it is a good webseries when I compare it to TV shows. I hope to God they told DK to overact it a ton, because if not, ugh.
The thing about the always online though is that it isn't an MMORPG. It is an Action RPG that was mainly, and still kind of is mainly, a single-player RPG. They did online only to help combat botters and the such, but botting is just as rampant as it has always been. People want to play...
When they merged with Activision. That's when. All Activision does is mass produce games until they can't be milked anymore, then abandon them and the devs and restart with another company
So, is the question "Do celebrities get special treatment in Jail?" Or "Should Celebrities get special treatment in jail?" I voted yes, because I thought the first question was if celebrities get special treatment, and yes they do. Should they, no.
Wait a second, has no one said Path of Exile yet?
Category- Diablo Clone
Game Name: Path of Exile
Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/
Description: Diablo clone, still in beta which you have to sign up for. I believe even the full version will be free with the ability to purchase microtransactions...
Class action lawsuits? Really? Their forum is just terrible, although some threads are incredibly entertaining. In one, someone thought to convert DPS from imperial to metric you times it by 2.2
No one knows if he was trolling or just incredibly stupid
That is exactly what I thought too.
"How does he have a game in his leg? Does his character move when he moves in real life?"
Then I read it and realized I had a stupid moment
That is one of the complaints the vocal minority on the forums have. "Should have built a more customizable UI since it worked well in WoW"
Don't know if you've looked at the Official D3 forums at all, but most of the threads are "This game sucks, enjoy wasting time losers" or "I enjoy this...