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  1. master maste

    Python - drawing a game board

    Ok, after testing I can see it works. No idea why though surely when you set row_len to error_checker its going to overwrite the original. Now that I think about it, its starting to make more and more sense, I originally tried to return error_checker in num_rows :P Thanks for that.
  2. master maste

    Python - drawing a game board

    Ok, trying to check some inputs for errors and have come across some problems def num_rows(): row_len = raw_input("num rows: ") error_checker(row_len) return row_len def error_checker(prompt): if prompt.isdigit(): return prompt else...
  3. master maste

    Python - drawing a game board

    Ok, now I'm trying to iterate through my board to place a piece(number) for the users turn. so far I have: def turn(player): place_piece = raw_input("Enter your column for player %s: " % (player)) place_piece = int(place_piece) giant_list = len(matrix) for i in...
  4. master maste

    Python - drawing a game board

    Thanks, yea I'm using python 2.6 for studies, and I'm trying to stay away from things like stdout at the moment. After a little bit of fixing its producing the correct output: for x in matrix: s = "|" for y in x: s += str(y) + " " print...
  5. master maste

    Python - drawing a game board

    Wow thankyou so much, you wouldn't guess what was in my comments that I removed from this post...: #try out "for x in matrix: for y in x: print x" or something similar. I was soo close, but after looking at the code for soo long it just left my head. Ok, now a row on the board shows...
  6. master maste

    Python - drawing a game board

    Ok, I'm trying to draw a game board in python, here is my current code: def draw_board(n_rows, n_cols): '''function to draw the board''' n_cols = int(n_cols) n_rows = int(n_rows) matrix = [[0 for x in range(n_cols)] for y in range(n_rows)] print matrix #for...
  7. master maste

    New Phenom II x4 not showing on screen

    Yes the CPU is plugged in. There is already thermal paste on it. No beeps. The HDD spins, the cpu coolers fan spins, cd drive spins. Have tried unplugging the cd drive and switching harddrives, but neither have worked.
  8. master maste

    New Phenom II x4 not showing on screen

    Yes I would have checked, but I've been busy lately. Anyways we are using the old mobo and the old athalon x2 cpu so everything is compatible, but its not POSTing, any ideas why? everything starts up but no bios.
  9. master maste

    New Phenom II x4 not showing on screen

    Maybe people missed the edits in the last post, but his original computer build that was working, no longer works. Its not getting to POST.
  10. master maste

    New Phenom II x4 not showing on screen

    argh, the shop we originally bought the computer from said that it would be compatible, and so we bought the cpu from another shop that was much cheaper... doh. And yea we just upgraded the PSU from 420w to 750w. Thanks for solving the problem. edit: ok we just put his old athlon x64 back in...
  11. master maste

    New Phenom II x4 not showing on screen

    My dad just updated his computer from an athlon x62 dual core to a phenom II x4 955, his motherboard is a gigabyte GA-M555LI. For some reason when starting the computer nothings showing on the screen, nothing else has changed and we have checked the cables over and over, change video cards...
  12. master maste

    Installing Windows 7

    it worked, just had to burn yet another dvd because imgburn didnt like my dads dvd drive. Thanks for the help, wouldnt be here otherwise.
  13. master maste

    Installing Windows 7

    Ok im burning a new dvd as per the instructions on the link above, so I'm using the extracted files. I have had the dvd in the drive when I booted. I wiped the drive because I had 2 partitions, and just seemed simpler... I reformatted the drive to ntfs so its not completely bare. and no...
  14. master maste

    Installing Windows 7

    Ok I just downloaded imgburn 2.5, The tutorial u pointed me to is exactly what I did with the first disc, and what you guys are telling me to do is what I did on the 2nd disc, so I have no idea why this would work. Should I bother wasting another DVD on another disc that won't work? and why...
  15. master maste

    Installing Windows 7

    You mean the exact way I did with the 2nd dvd, and that does not work at all... edit: if it means anything I'm burning using burn4free and I'm finalising the disc, the total installation is 3.01gb on a 4.7gb disc
  16. master maste

    Installing Windows 7

    Well I actually burnt 2 dvds, the first one I used winrar to extract the iso and then put all the contents directly onto the dvd, no folders above it or anything. 2nd dvd was foolish, I just put the iso directly onto the dvd (lol why would that even work...)
  17. master maste

    Installing Windows 7

    Ok I have the iso of windows 7 ultimate x64, I wiped my hard drive clean and have put the extracted contents of the iso onto a dvd. But for some reason the computer won't recognise the cd. I have set the boot order to CD, HDD, Floppy. First thing it does it try to boot from the CD, then...
  18. master maste

    Javascript Referring

    Ok, thanks for letting me know. I'm currently playing around with some php scripts in wordpress, I'll let you know how it goes.
  19. master maste

    Javascript Referring

    I'm just playing around with some websites on my localhost, and I was wondering how I could have 'http://localhost/wordpress/?p=1' show content based on the referrer. Preferably using Javascript. So if the person reaches 'http://localhost/wordpress/?p=1' from 'http://localhost/wordpress/?p=2'...
  20. master maste

    C# Regex appending every 2nd lot?

    Yea its definitely different, they both have similar structure but the one the program reads has javascript that does not have what I need in it... I'll try your other ideas. edit: lol they both say its taking too many arguments, does not want me to use the Download.....(URL)<<< the last part...