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  1. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    In your latest trigger try to change Trigger: (Percentage life of (Attacked unit)) Less than 30.00 to Trigger: (Percentage life of (Attacked unit)) Less than 0.30 because 100% is 1.0 and 30% is 0.3. By the way, this Are you sure this is true? Because I have another trigger that makes...
  2. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    Oh, but he storm bolts alright, so I don't think it's a problem with the mana. And (Attacked unit) Not equal to Unit_MountainKing Is to make sure he doesn't target himself with it. After changing that, he completely ignores heros with low hp, letting one run right pass him and then he storm...
  3. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    I've been working on a better one, but he keeps storm bolting full life heros, and random ghouls for a reason I don't understand Storm Bolt Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions ((Attacked unit) is A Hero) Equal to True ((Attacked unit) belongs to an...
  4. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    That was just so he levels the ability to do maximum damage all the time I don't think other triggers are messing with it, I've checked everything. Maybe it could be because of memory leaks? Not sure if that's possible. In your first trigger, why is (Life of (Triggering unit)) Less than or...
  5. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    This doesn't work either, he keeps storm bolting random units, not heros. MOUNTAIN KING Events Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Hero - Learn skill for Unit_MountainKing: Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt Unit Group - Pick every unit in...
  6. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    I have three abilities now that doesn't work properly, they all have in common that they trigger when something is attacked, but it doesn't seem like they check for conditions. Not sure what I'm doing wrong
  7. J

    Storm Bolt trigger not working

    Hello, I'm trying to make a trigger for the ability "Storm Bolt", but I can't seem to get it to work. It's supposed to have the mountain king being able to detect when a hero drops below a certain amount of health, and then storm bolt them. But instead he just throws storm bolts at anything at...