You'd have to get a large translucent lava image, and I suppose update its Z height to rise the lava. But still you'd need to use multiple units and regions and such.
Run a debug text message. So after you put Hero - Drop, put Game: Display text message to (All Players): TEST.
Something like that, to see if it actually runs. Also, put one after the "Else" actions to check if they are actually in Team B.
Map initialization
Set WeaponStrings[1] = Hammer
Set WeaponStrings[2] = Dagger
Set WeaponStrings[3] = Sword
Set WeaponStrings[4] = Spear
Set WeaponStrings[5] = And so on...
Command Aura is for melee units only I believe. Trueshot for ranged.
Claws of Attack doesn't add percentage damage.
Trueshot is probably the best for increasing another tower.
You'd need to do some parsing.
Like this^
Something like,
On Initialization, set Binary[1] = 1, Binary[2] = 2, Binary[3] = 4, etc. All the way up to Binary[10], let's say. Then do Set NumberOfBinary = 10
INPUT is the value that...
I disabled the above trigger and the glitch appeared to be nullified. Hmm.
But I was also playing with a man down. So I'd need to test with all three of us again to make sure.
Play Death
Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -Play Death as an Exact match
Set TempGroup = Units currently selected by (Triggering Player)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in TempGroup and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions...
Actually, I just added a trigger that is used for double clicking a paused building to remove it, as the self-destruct ability is disabled.
Destroy Powerless
Player - Player 3 (Teal) Selects a unit
Player - Player 4 (Purple) Selects a unit
Player - Player 5...
Yes, we know reals don't leak. So you're saying, we should instead of using a point, which would save ONE value, we should use TWO reals? When points work just as well.
GUI = Clicky Buttons that make things happen.
Best. Description. EVER.