There should be a way to refresh the buff duration, get the remaining time of the buff, increase buff duration.
And more event responses maybe? Such as onSpellCast, onSelection, onKill, onXXX ...
I can't seem to make it work. I wanted it to pick every unit in the map that matched a certain custom value, but how do I do that? For now I got this...
Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Any Ability Command
Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Smart Command...
After playing 1v1 for a while with a friend, my performance started to drop really fast, from a stable 60 FPS to 0.2 FPS, when I quitted.
I'm sure you're already aware of this :D
Your code with Buffstruct works perfectly! Thanks! :)
Though, could you explain what you're doing there?
Especially this line:
//! runtextmacro PUI_PROPERTY("", "LightningStrike", "CurrentLightningStrike", "LightningStrike(0)")
Also, how do I make the same for all my buffs?
Disable RTC in the editor, or overwrite the content of your wehack.lua file(open with notepad) in your NewGen folder with the following one:
-- This file is executed once on we start up. The state perseveres
-- through callbacks
-- wehack.runprocess: Wait for exit code, report errors...
I got no clue as to how to use AIDS :P
Also, SpellStruct has AoE functionality, but my spell has no target. Well, it has, but only when the unit is damaged, so I can't use this.forUnitsInRangeTarget, since there's no target automatically set by SpellStruct.
New code(with .caster):
Ok, so I decided to screw BuffStruct for now, waiting for an update :mad: xD
I'll stick with SpellStruct :P
Anyway, I now got a problem with this trigger:
scope LightningStrike
private constant integer Ability_ID = 'A006'
private constant integer Buff_ID =...