So, my map has several abilities that summons illusions.
I have, for example, AOE wand of Illusion, Mirror Image, standard wand of illusion and etc.
my question is,
is there a way to determine from which skill a illusion was summoned?
thx, guys.
Now, I got it to work.
As you said, Romek, this was my problem:
set udg_ALLMAP = CreateGroup()
but now, I have to initialize this global udg_ALLMAP in every trigger that uses it, in order to make them work.
Does this make sense?
Is this a WE new issue? or problably am I destroying this unit...
hey guys!
after this 1.26 patch all my filter used in GroupEnum function stopped working.
Am I the only one?
Do u guys know how to solve this?
here's an example:
function Chamber takes nothing returns boolean
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
Ok, guys... So, i made this code to order all selected units to blink together, to the same spot, once any of them(selected units) blinks.
In a breath, if one blinks, everybody blinks.
function Group_Blink_Stalker_Order takes nothing returns nothing
local unit U = GetEnumUnit()
hey, guys.
so i unchecked my tavern's option "Revives Dead Heroes",but it is still showing the option to revive them.
i also tried to change the "Hero reviving location" option of the heroes to somewhere else but it also failed.
help XD
hey guys,
so i add abilities via trigger to my units and some of them has the ability to transform in ethereal form.
when they transform, they lose their skills but i add them again via trigger and set the skills levels all again.
the problem is when i remove then add those skills again...
hey guys again ^^
When I open Newgen(5d version) and try to save that standard melee 64x64 map , Newgen disables the Melee_Initialization Trigger due to errors. Then the report window opens with the script errors and shows lots of "Unregistered native fuction"...
Then I click the "ok button"...
function Trig_SpawnUnits_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer OwnerN = udg_TierOwner
local unit U = udg_Farm[OwnerN]
local location A = GetUnitLoc(U)
local location L = GetUnitRallyPoint(U)
local real X = GetLocationX(L)
local real Y = GetLocationY(L)
Ok guys thx for motivating lol XD
As I said before the error just happens when the units kill themselves, so it be could something related to spawning right?
here's my spawn trigger:
function Trig_SpawnUnits_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer OwnerN = udg_TierOwner
local unit...
//======================= Filtro do GroupEnumUnitsInRect()==================//
// Adds the FilterUnit to group udg_ALLMAP or to group udg_ALLMAP2 or to no group, depending on the conditions below:
function Filter_Chuva_On takes nothing returns boolean
local unit F = GetFilterUnit()
/======================= Filtro do GroupEnumUnitsInRect()==================//
// Adds the FilterUnit to group udg_ALLMAP or to group udg_ALLMAP2 or to no group, depending on the conditions below:
function Filter_Chuva_On takes nothing returns boolean
local unit F = GetFilterUnit()
Well, my map leaks... (godamnit!)and it's impossible to figure out why (been months searching it).
When I test my map I push it very hard when compared to the actual game I intend ppl to play.
My map is a footman frenzy-like with 12 player and lots of units...
So I make sure that there is...
When I test from War3 directly, "Player 2" slot is already occupied by the "Computer" at the "Join Game" room(the screen where you wait for ppl to join your game)... although I'm still able open that slot.
but that's very annoying cause one can think that "Player 1" will have the computer as a...