have you even read the article? =.=
tele = at a distance
pathy = suffering
i.e. affection of one mind by the sensations of a distant mind.
Since there's only one mind in this case it makes no sense to speak of telepathy.
I want one, but not for what you think! Uh... Uh... I need it for... Um... Smuggling Immigrants over the border! Yup! That's what I need it for, not for drug transportation... Haha
You should've seen my expression when I realized what I just read.
I had already read the next three headlines when it dawned on me. I had to read it again to make sure I hadn't misread.
I need the icon of the Circle of Power (ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCOP.blp) in a version which would allow it to work well as a resource icon (see UI\Feedback\Resources\ResourceGold.blp as a reference).
<- looks crappy, doesn't it?
I bet you get what I mean.
Wow. I hope the girl will be able to cope with this outrageous injustice. And I hope this sick guy can still be helped; And if not, may he be protected from his own perverted desires and not commit such a crime against a human life ever again.
Computer science != Programming
Most excelent universities see Pogramming as a skill like basic math. It is a requirement, not something you learn there. Plus you usually don't need Programming anyway.
If you are actually studying CS, look for a chair labeled "Software ..." like Software...
You're absolutely right. I looked up bubblesort and found out that it uses a clever condition to exit early when the array was sorted. The sorting algorithm I had in mind didn't do that (and hence was in Theta(n^2)). Not that it mattered much though ; )
Don't overengineer unless you have to. There are cases where using abstractions for everything is a good idea. Sometimes it's just more work, fuglifies your code, but doesn't add anything. If you're using a good editor it is no problem to add an abstraction later.
Don't misread this: As...