Im not good at triggers and never looked at making spells before.
although one question the waveform works on the demo map but not on a normal map like plaguelands? (comes with wc3 cusom game map)
I dont know what i am doing wrong but its not working for me i copied wave form and wave form action (only need waveform) and i copyed the ability but it still wont work? do i have to do it on a blank map?
Ive gotten these off the spells leaks fixed map
im kinda confused do u mean something like this merlin
Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
If (((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True) then do (Unit - Move (Entering unit) instantly to (Center of Player2PrizeArea <gen>)) else do (Do nothing)
yes but if u read most of my trigger is based on killing the boss so everyone wud have to kill the boss to be teleported to there item bay maybe make another trigger like
Unit > Unit Enters Region
((Gnoll Champion is Dead) equal to true)
Move (Entering Unit) instantly...
hi again its TrOlLa in need of more trigger help >.<
i am in need of a trigger that will send each individual player to there individual item bay eg:
player1 and player2 are in the dungeon
player1 or player2 kills the boss
player1 goes to his item bay
player2 goes to his item bay
unit is not underlined in Generic Unit Event and theres no option for last created unit......
EDIT:: i did the unit dies and added a condition:
(Gnoll Champion 0024 <gen> is dead) Equal to True
and it works perfectly!
ty wi3122 and kaerfnomekop for the help :)
Hi my name is Trolla im very new to all the triggering of wc3 editor but i am learning fast. I need help with a dungeon trigger that goes too a item bay for your reward now i did make one for myself but the problem was that i could only go to the item bay once eg:
Kill Boss > go to the item bay...