If you still haven't figured it out, you can try something like this.
No Attack
Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to Attack
Local Variables
attacker = (Triggering unit) <Unit>
target = (Target unit for (Triggering order)) <Unit>
attackerOwner =...
If you make Frost Armor a hero ability and make it's required level above 6, then you can cast it on magic immune units(Pretty sure).
Frost Armor Pickup
Unit - A unit Acquires an item
(Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to (==) YourItem...
You can turn off "Show Invisible Units" and just have show map. Also I'm pretty sure you can turn "Show Invisible Units" on during the game whenever you want, so this wont exactly work... Only for idiot mhers.
There's an ability, in >Orc, I think called Chaos, which is a passive morph ability that can change the model of a unit, but I've heard it can cause some problems with buffs.
Try this.
Not sure if it works or not, but if you use it, and something doesn't work, just tell me, and I'll fix it.
scope MagicalBottle initializer init
private trigger refill = CreateTrigger()
private constant integer BOTTLE_ID = 'I000' //The bottle that you...
This was my first time coding with Zinc after reading the zinc manual. Everything thing works good to a point, no errors, except when Tick is greater then delay, nothing runs, and I doubt the damage, or the other conditions work either, maybe someone can spot what I messed up on. ><
function Revive takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetOwningPlayer(OURHERO)
local real x = GetStartLocationX(GetPlayerStartLocation(p))
local real y = GetStartLocationY(GetPlayerStartLocation(p))
call ReviveHero(OURHERO,x,y,true)
Is this what you were...