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  1. eubz

    Model HeartBurst

    Nice model dude.
  2. eubz

    Tutorial Creating Attachment Weapon in Gmax using SPLines

    Creating Attachment Weapon in Gmax using SPLines Introduction Some modelers rely on creating objects from the standard primitives which made the smoothing not as good as expected. Creating a complex geoset can be created using splines, but I am not really sure if many of us, the modelers, know...
  3. eubz

    Rebel Storm (War based game)

    I want to see the map... Where is it?
  4. eubz

    Melee Ice cross

    I think you can attach those maps here than using links...
  5. eubz

    Model Wooden Gate

    I just want to present here my model... I call it wooden gate... Now, here's the model:
  6. eubz

    Hello sir, someone had just downloaded my map Ruins of Dalaran from the hive workshop and...

    Hello sir, someone had just downloaded my map Ruins of Dalaran from the hive workshop and uploaded it here. For the record that it is really my map, take a look at the date I uploaded it in the hive and the date he uploaded it here... How sad for me that my map has been stolen... EDIT Good he...
  7. eubz

    Make any unit indestructible

    What a unit... You are trying to make a god in a game which is not a good idea... A game will not be interesting if you have an indestructible unit...
  8. eubz

    Tutorial Basic Knowledge in Regions

    Basic Knowledge in regions A Region Property This tutorial is for new map makers who would like to learn the basics in using regions. With the examples given, I am sure that they can get some information that regions are important in a map. Regions Regions need triggers to reference...
  9. eubz

    for each Integer A...??

    For each integer A is good for Arrays and variables you set. If there are four spawners, for instance and you want to spawn creeptypes in a those spawners, use that action. For each integer A (from 1 to totalspawners) do (Actions) Unit - Create 1 (creeptypes) for (player <player>) at the...