Well in Nexus Wars, the units are trained, and a trigger detects whenever a unit is made, it does an attack move order to the enemy nexus.
Event: When Unit is Created
Condition: <none>
Action: If Unit Created is created by player 1/2
Then: Change ownership to player 5 (The computer that owns...
The Obama administration said over the weekend that it would not support legislation mandating changes to Internet infrastructure to fight online copyright and trademark infringement.
"Proposed laws must not tamper with the technical architecture of the...
So awesome^^
However, this isn't the first of its kind. This was also done in 1942 - the plane would loop in a circle and you'd land on the plane as it looped down :p
"I made a trigger with a sound effect and put it on 50% volume but it's still 100% volume in game"
I had the same problem as well. What you could do is just copy the sound in the data editor, and increase its volume there, and play that sound through the trigger.
"I made a sound effect trigger...
Heres how i would do it.
Ability Cast > Search Area around caster, range 10 > Create persistent, 20 periods, interval of 0.25 seconds > Apply Behavior Effect > Behavior with stack enabled, times movement speed of target by 0.95 (5%).
On the persistent, the FINAL effect will be a set effect...
Ah true, i forgot about that. I'll add that in.
Ah, awesome - I think i remember trying this once and it didnt work, might have typed it wrong.
Many thanks :D
..Abilities and Effects
~~~~~The Contents~~~~~
.....How do Abilities Work?
.........What are Effects?
....How do you make Abilities?
.............Using Effects!
..........Using Behaviors!
..........Finishing Effects!
......Linking Ability to Units.
Make a region array, and put the regions into that array. Make a timer with a random real inside. (Turn it into a global variable so the second trigger will recognise it. Dont use "last created timer".) Then in the second trigger, when the timer elapses, select a region at random from your array...