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  1. V

    Auto-Casting Channeled Abilities on Nearby Targets

    I've got a bit of a computer science background but I must admit that the complexity the galaxy editor throws at me is a little overwhelming (not to mention I'm used to OO programming, so the C-based editor is less than ideal). Consider this permission to bust out the lingo at me. :thup...
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    Using Variables with spawning units

    Hey. I was looking for info on how to use variables to change the type of unit spawned by a trigger. My only problem is, I can't figure out how to set variables equal to a specific unit type. Anyone know how I could do this? i.e. Action Map Initialization Conditions Events Set (SpawnUnit) =...
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    +X life / mana on spellcast

    Is there anyway to set a unit's life so that Event -- A unit casts a spell Conditions -- Cast Spell = Fireball Action -- Set Triggering Unit's Life to (Triggering Unit's Life + X) I'm mincing words here, but I can get the event and conditions fine. However, the Set Unit Life/Mana...
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    Parent-Daughet Trigger Enhanced Ability Question

    Okay, so I have an ability which combines forked lightning with entangling roots. Units hit by forked lightning get entangling roots cast on them by the nigh invisible "locust" units. However, my trigger only affects one of the three units hit by forked lightning, since my trigger uses...
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    Hiding Ability Icons

    In a map I'm working on, I have one ability that among other things, "blinks" to the location selected via the parent ability. I've done this by creating a lesser version of blink with 0 mana-cost and a .5 second cooldown. I've removed the hotkey as well. The point is that even though the...
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    Veok's Question Thread

    Rather than making a new thread every day with one question, I figure I'd just consolidate them to avoid unnessecary clutter. That being the case, my frist question: How can I change the function of the Loucust Swarm spell such that the locusts restore health to allies (and not the caster)...
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    Enabling Triggers using Triggers

    Greetings again. Is there a way to enable a trigger via another trigger? Let me examplify: I have trigger A spawning units every 35 seconds until Target X is destroyed. When Target X is destroyed, I want to turn off trigger A (which I know how to do, and did) and turn on trigger B...
  8. V

    Attaching Art Effects to Targets of a Thunderclap (or my lack of ability to do so)

    Greetings, the last time I used worldedit and a forum to troubleshoot was several years ago. For this reason, I searched google to find a help forum, and voila, here I am. Anyway, I am using WorldEdit to create a new ability based on Thunderclap. The new ability, Arcane Explosion, has a cast...