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    How can I make 5 dummy units move around me in a circle.

    I was wonder how I could make 5 dummy units move around me in a circle. Here is what I manged to accomplish so far. I know there are several leaks and such in this still, just a rough draft you could say. (I managed to get them spinning around me but they are doing so fast it is like they are...
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    Fatal Error in my spell.

    I have a fatal error in my ability. I can cast it once and it works perfectly, but as soon as I click to cast the spell the second time Warcraft bombs and says fatal error. I do not know if this really matters but I am using thunder clap to cast my spell. If there anything that makes this spell...
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    Position Offset

    This spell is going to become a charge spell. I was wondering how I can make the spell make you charge exactly 600 feet in the direction of where you cast it. Right now it moves me exactly where I cast the spell reguardless if it is only being casted 300 feet away. I am horrible with polar...
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    Lagging bad I think I may have leaks...

    I think I might have some memory leaks in these triggers...lags real bad after using them several times. They all work but I did have a bug with the caster of Ocean's Fury. When the caster of it would attack someone, they would keep auto attacking until they died. It didnt matter if I tried to...
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    need help with healing spell plus floating text

    Okay, I got my heal spell to actually heal for the correct amount but the floating text is not showing the right amount and I have tried many different ways to correct it. Here is my trigger down below since I do not know how to actually post a trigger here. =( Okay so I have 100 mana and 100...
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    Heal spell + floating text

    Okay, I got my heal spell to actually heal for the correct amount but the floating text is not showing the right amount and I have tried many different ways to correct it. Here is my trigger down below since I do not know how to actually post a trigger here. =( Okay so I have 100 mana and 100...