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  1. D

    Simple question about "call" trigger to fix leaks

    I have a very simple question: Is there any difference between these two? call DestroyGroup (udg_Temp_Group) call DestroyGroup(udg_Temp_Group) One has the spacebar point between the function and variable name while the other doesn't. Does this affect the function at all or not (same goes for...
  2. D

    How do dialogs behave during cinematics/cutscenes?

    Hello! I'm making a multiplayer based RPG game where, if you die, you get a dialog that gives you two options: wait another 15 seconds to be resurrected by your allies (if after 15 seconds you're still dead, this same dialog will show again) or be resurrected immediately with a gold penalty...
  3. D

    Buff Detection and Applying Problem

    Hello there! So I'm stuck at something, bashing my head against a wall didn't help... So I'm here... Anyhow, I'm trying to give a certain Boss the ability Rend. What it does is that every time the boss attacks a target (normal attack), that target is affected by Rend. When Rend stacks up 7...
  4. D

    The Countdown Timer Leak Problem

    Hello! I know there are many topics on timer leaks around here, and believe me, I've gone through all of them, trying to figure out if my timers would leak or not. Here is what i have on my map. First trigger is a no-event trigger that creates about 3 units (let's say in a small camp) and...
  5. D

    Trigger messes up the game after fixing memory leaks...

    Hi! I'm a quarter through my map when i decided it would be nice to check up on memory leaks here and there. Map contains 4 difficulty levels and therefore 4 types of the same unit. It spawns them as a "run trigger" action during map initialization (everything works fin) and here is my basic...