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    [B]Weather abilities are not working correctly[/B]

    Ok i have a guy called the Weather God, and he has weather creating abilities. So i made snow and rain so far, and whenever he casts snow rain doesnt work the next time he casts rain. Heres my triggers for the rain and snow abilities. Snow ability Events Unit - A unit Begins...
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    Bash ability like spiritbreakers?

    How do you make an ability that when a unit is hit by a passive spell like bash, it slides 300 units. Like spiritbreakers move from dota.
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    Need help on random Weather.

    I need help on how to make a trigger that creates a random weather effect and the chance of no weather is more than the others.
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    Whats wrong with this item recipe formula?

    Ok this trigger is supposed to combine two (minor masks of death) and create 1 (mask of death), but instead its creating 6 (masks of death). Heres the trigger... Mask of Death recipe Events Unit - A unit Acquires an item Conditions Actions If (All Conditions...
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    how to make timer related to vamp fire(5.06)?

    Ok so I want to know how to make the new timer in vamp fire (5.06) that counts up from 00:00:00. I need this to record how long the game has been going.
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    Leader board help!

    Ok so i want to know how to add 1 point to a players score every second of the game, and every minute at a point to another players score, and every hour add a point to another players score. The point of this is to keep track of time.
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    Hey need help with creep spawn.

    Hey i need help with dota creep spawn anyone know how to make it?
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    Help on Ability for new map

    Its called Hell Stomp and I want it so the unit casts war stomp, then all units hit by hell stomp get a buff onm them called burning, and the unit takes some dps for 10 a amount of time.
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    need help with terren symmetry

    ok im making a map and i want the terren symmetrical so anyone know an easy way to do it?
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    Need help with spell

    Ok im making a spell like immolation were it damages units in an area around the caster. The area is 750 and i want the spell to show flames in everyspot around the caster in the 750 area. I dont know how to create the flames in the area?
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    Nondescript title: weird problem with ability

    ok i got a hero that i gave the ability bash to and i wanted to give the unit (art-target attachments) so i got art-target = undead building damage(small) art-target attachment point= hand,left art-target attachments= 1
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    need help with item that gives ability.

    ok i want to create an item that whenever the item holder attacks it creates a lightning bolt at the attacked units position.
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    help with creep spawn for RPG

    my creep spawn isnt working. i want it so that whenever a (hero not owned by player darkgreen or brown) enters a region creeps start spawning, [and when a (hero not owned by player darkgreen or brown) leaves the region, and no other (heroes not owned by player darkgreen or brown) are in the...
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    NEEd help with spell!!!

    i want to make a spell that when a unit uses war stomp, the units that got hit by war stomp get hit by lightning too.
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    need help with special creep spawn trigger!

    ok im making an rpg and i would like some help on a creep spawning trigger. this is what i want:so a unit owned by players 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or 10. enters a region. every like 11 seconds some creeps spawn in the region entered. The creeps spawned are ordered to attack the entering unit. If...
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    My creep respawn trigger is not working. Can someone help plz.

    When my unit uses black arrow on a creep they dont respawn here is my trigger. Events Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies Conditions Actions Wait 30.00 seconds Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) for Neutral Hostile at (Position of (Triggering unit))...