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    Help with a Hella Easy Trigger...How to give money

    Umm... how do i make it so when a player types in something, they recieve x gold? like if i said -give 1000 the person who typed it would recieve 1000 gold
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    How to make items "Locked" or undroppable

    Hey, a quick question, how do i make it so when you get an item, you cant drop it? Like if they right click it they cant drop it
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    Dummies and Mirror Images (was: Help!!! please?)

    Ok ok, so i made this trigger where instead of mirror images are created, dummies are created as a mirror image. The problem is, i cant change the dummies hp to the hp/mp/attack of the real unit! help please!
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    Quick Question!

    Do clones count as a unit? Im trying to make a trigger that for every clone there is, its -5 mana per second, but the mana per second is not changing even if i add more clones. So do clones count as units?
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    Spell Help (again) same spell! :(

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    Spell Help # 10

    Im making a skill where for every clone there is alive, it drains 10 mana per second. Whats happening is that the mana goes from full to zero right away, can someone tell me whats wrong? And if u can, can you tell me how to make it so when the mana runs out, the clone dissapears? Kage...
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    Hero Spell Help!

    Status: NOT RESOLVED I need help with a spell, i need the targeted unit to get pushed back over a time interval *like 2 seconds* 500 distance. Im having trouble cause its moving immidiently. my 2 triggers didnt work they got teleported either right next to the hero, or somewhere random in a...
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    Hero Spell Help

    I need help with a spell, i need the targeted unit to get pushed back over a time interval *like 2 esconds* 300 distance. Im having trouble cause its moving immideiently. Status: NOT RESOLVED
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    Spell Help!

    Its been troubling me for a while now, ive been trying to get this spell to work but it doesnt seem to work. What i want hte spell to do is to create a dummy for each unit within 300 aoe of the casting unit. Then i want the dummy to cast cycloen to the units within 300 aoe of the casting unit. I...
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    Need help with trigger

    Tatsumaki Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Tatsumaki Actions Set TempGroupTatsumaki = (Units within 300.00 of TempPointTatsumaki) Set TempPointTatsumaki = (Position of (Triggering unit))...
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    Trigger Help >_>

    Ok what im trying to do is to make a spell in which when you click the button, it uses the spell automatically, no aiming. For the spell, i need it to be: 1 second casting time ( easy already did ) Select every unit in 300 AOE of the hero For every unit in that AOE, create one dummy Order...
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    Picking Units (was: Need help!)

    I need help with a gropu trigger. I need a group trigger to pick all enemy units in 300 range of the castor, and then i need it so that for each unit in that unit, to create a dummy. thanks in advance
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    How Do U create dummies?

    Yeah sorry for me bein a noob ^^ what the title says, how do u create a dummie
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    Help WIth a Skill!!

    I need help making a skill where you click the skill and then it wiats 1 second casting time, then it casts the spell, which as a 300 AOE and casts cyclone on all the units in the AOE. I have the 1 second casting time, but idk how for the aoe, skill, or cyclone. Plz help!
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    Need Help With this Pushback Spell

    Hey, ive been working on this spell for a while, and i still havnt got it. I cant understnad jass that well, so can you guys walk me through it, ive looked at the SB from dota thingy, didnt understnad it. Events- Unit- A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions-...
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    Spell Help *Like Spirit Breaker*

    I need to know how to put a pushback on a spell that holds for 2 seconds and does damage to a certain unit. can someone help me?
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    3 skill Questions! xD

    Hey guys, i need help with these skills. Can u guys help me? First Skill: I want this skill to split into 3 skills when selected, kind of like nevermore's shadow craze in dota. I want those skills to have orb effects, .5 stun, splash and frost. EDIT: To be more specific, i want those orbs to...
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    Skill Help

    Hey guys, Suigestu's back, i took a week off to cool down from mapmaking *or my so called mapmaking skills* and im still fairly new, can u guys help me out with this one ability? I want it to be blade masters mirror image but i also want it to have a wind walk buff. I have already tried and...
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    Help, Gigantic L on my map!

    I made my map, got it far, then i got this gigantic L on my map, and i tried to factor it down, but it said "must be multiple of 32" or something, but when i factor it by 32, some of my terrain gets cut off, and i lost some stuff i need, is there any way to get rid of that? -Suigestu
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    Help with 2 Triggers *i think there triggers*

    Ok the first trigger i need help with is how to get pots to stack the second trigger i need help with is how to order items in a shop help is appreciated, and i appreciate all the people who have helped me so far! -Suigestu