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  1. RunningAway

    Multiple Multiboards

    Can I set it so that I can display a different multiboard for each player in the game?
  2. RunningAway

    Editing Elil's

    I was wondering how I would go about editing Elil's Save Code Demo so that it would store gold and lumber. You can download it here Download Here
  3. RunningAway


    Yeah its another post about save/load codes, plz read it before guessing what i'm looking for and chucking a bunch of links at me, >< I've been looking around and i'm still stuck. I'm having issues finding a good save/load system and at this point i'm not competent enough to create one even with...
  4. RunningAway

    Auto Value Of 0?

    I was under the impression that Set Player_Alignment[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] = Player_Alignment[((Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit))) - 1)] Would set the value of the integer to it current value -1 but every time I attempt to change the variable vlaue using math the...
  5. RunningAway

    Chance To Miss

    I'd like to have it so that depending on a character's lvl they have a certain chance to miss on an attack, rather then giving certain units the evasion ability. Is there any other way I could do this, besides just creating a dummy caster and having it cast a version of curse on the attacking...
  6. RunningAway

    Custom Scripts

    How would I write these as custom scripts? Floating Text - Create floating text that reads (String((Damage taken))) above (Triggering unit) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created...
  7. RunningAway


    So there are a bunch of functions I need that are only available in Blizzar'd editor, and so far i've been working in WE Unlimted. I decided to switch to Blizzard's editor but of course as some functions were unavailable in the Unlimited editor others are unavailable in Blizzard's. Now i'm...
  8. RunningAway

    Getting Damage

    I'm trying to have it so that when a unit is hit the damage is displayed over their head. How can I calculate the damage dealt by a unit? i've been looking through and I can't find aything to display it. Since I couldn't find a damage dealt event I was hoping I could simply get the unit's total...
  9. RunningAway

    Charm Control Problem

    I need an effective way to disable user control without simply giving control of the unit to the charming player. I can't disable user control because I don't want the player to be unable to control, I just want him to be unable to control the one unit and apparently I can't add the locust...
  10. RunningAway

    Floating Text

    I want to have text that appears above the player's unit under certain conditions that slowly moves up and fades out. But the default font size is way too huge, is there any way of changing that maybe in the Game Interface, or some way to have floating text act like that? Advanced - Show...
  11. RunningAway

    Reputation System

    I'm trying to have it so that whenever a player attacks an NPC they lose 1 reputation and it forces them to stop. But if their reputation is a value of 1 or lower they and the NPCs become enemies. Right now as soon as I attack it displays the reputation value of the player as 1 and never...
  12. RunningAway

    Party System

    Wondering if anyone would have an idea on how to create a party system. Which would allow players to create a party by typing a command like -createparty and once its created allow them to invite players by typing something like -invite [2] for player two, and give the invited player the option...
  13. RunningAway

    Target Passed Unit Position

    How can I order a unit to attack move from a point in the direction of a unit but far passed them? To try to make this a little more clear, I've made it so that when a rifleman attacks a unit it creates a 3rd unit. The 3rd unit is a "projectile" a flying unit with a colision size of 0, the...
  14. RunningAway

    Exploding Projectiles

    Colision Detecting Projectile Is there any way I could have projectiles without Projectile Homing that would continue on until they hit a unit or an object? And when they do hit the object they deal AoE damage or even just damage to the object they come into contact with?
  15. RunningAway

    One Weapon Only?

    How would I go about making a trigger to prevent a hero from carrying more then one item of a certain type?
  16. RunningAway

    What Would Make A Decent RPG?

    What in your opinion would make an interesting rpg? if its even possible...
  17. RunningAway

    Item Combining

    I'm looking to create a system like the one in DoTA where certain combinations of items combine to create another item. Currently i'm been messing around mostly, in search of something that even resembles the answer, as always any help would be appreciated. I have a basic system working, but its...
  18. RunningAway

    Hero Selection System

    I'm looking to create a hero selection system. That grants the user control of the hero when they select it, and supports multiple players. I'm trying to give players the option of testig the hero out without having to continuesly use the -repick function. I also need it to prevent the use of...
  19. RunningAway

    Ability Help

    I'm looking to create two abilities. I'd like the first to deal damage equal to the amount of mana the caster has. And the second, to deal damage depending on how far away the caster is from the target. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. RunningAway

    Changing Areas

    First off check this thread out too see if you can help me out ^^ Alright, for my open RPG i'd like to have the final area on a different tileset, and infact on a different map maybe 64by64. Currently I've used up most of the space on my...