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  1. R

    Help please, trigger working in single player not multiplayer

    Hey guys just hoping for some insight for whats happening here, works fine in single player but not multiplayer The trigger basically forces selection back to the players main character if they deselect, unless they click on various units/buildings, not sure how to import code so ill make it as...
  2. R

    Checking spell leve?

    hey guys just wondering how can i check the spell level through conditions so like, "ability being cast equal to 'spell name' of spell level '#'" hopefuly thats clear enough, i jsut want to trigger different effects as the spells are leveled up without replacing the spell thx
  3. R

    uni-installing jassnewgen

    hey guys, just wondering how do i cleanly un-install jass-newgen and everything that came with it, i cant find an uninstall.exe and its not listed in my programs add/remove list, I dont want to just shift+delete the folder, i want to uni-stall it cleanly, help please.
  4. R

    making own basic DR

    sorry that this is offtopic guys, but none of the other forums have users browsing, and we're trying to get this finished so we can play wc3 online comfortablly again. Does any one know where or how i can learn the functions wc3dr is using when you input your desired Delay amount. Me and...
  5. R

    Making Own Basic DR, Help please

    Does any one know where or how i can learn the functions wc3dr is using when you input your desired Delay amount. Me and my friends are trying to make our own little program while DR is down, with the main function/outcome being set wc3 delay to 90 We wont bother with all the additonal...
  6. R

    Making My Own basic Delay Reducer, Help!

    Does any one know where or how i can learn the functions wc3dr is using when you input your desired Delay amount. Me and my friends are trying to make our own little program while DR is down, with the main function/outcome being set wc3 delay to 90 We wont bother with all the additonal...
  7. R

    Wc3 optimizer Removing Text From spell

    Hey guys not sure if many or any of you use wc3 map optimizer 4.7 But whenever i optimize my map through it, I lose the text on a select few spells The spells are all The same Aura, And they're on stationary Buildings. each building might have a total of 5 auras. They're basically just...
  8. R

    For Each Interger do Actions?

    Hey can some one please break this trigger down and define it for me, I think it will save me alot of time on my map if i cant grasp its concept completely Im a little confused as to what part of the triggers do what. I need to know what each part means and how to put it to use.. For...
  9. R

    Help with using metamorphisis

    Hey guys ran into a new problem on my boss orientated game, That being with my new boss and his meta morph ability. Basically i want him to change form every 60 seconds for 30seconds, Gaining new abilites completely and changing his Combat style while metamorphed, Its based Off Metamorphisis...
  10. R

    Disabling Units Attack with triggers?

    Hey guys just wondering if its possible to disable a units primary weapon attacks through triggers So He can continue to casts spells, but not attack? i want too prevent the unit from auto accquiring targets and attacking them, Without pausing the unit. Even with 0 acquisiton range he still attacks.
  11. R

    Making a Damage meter?

    Hey guys Just wondering if anyone can tell me a somewhat simple way to make damage meters in GUI, that count up to 6 players damage output. For Everthing from normal spell damage to trigger spell damage, Normal weapon damage etc.. The Damage counter also has to be resetable, Making all...
  12. R

    Two 'Set Life Of Unit To Vaule' Triggers at once?

    hey guys just wondering what will happen if i have 2 different triggers doing... Set Life Of -Target unit of ability being cast- to, -life of target unit of ability being cast- + 250 Going off at the same Time, What will happen? Will his health be raised by 500 or just 250, since they're...
  13. R

    Position unit is facing??

    Hey guys, just wondering what the triggers called that relates to, The position a unit is facing, I need the similar effect of ShadowRaze from dota. I want an effect to happen when a non targetable spell is cast. 200 yards infront of the caster. Basically im looking for something along the...
  14. R

    2 animation names or how to get them to work

    Hey guys just wondering whats the Art animation name to get these to show up on these units -The Bladestorm effect On Either The Red Orc or the BladeMaster. And -The Raised Shield effect [Guard?] On The Footmen/Captains. Perhaps its not possible to do this through, Art Animation-Names...
  15. R

    2 somewhat simple questions

    Hey guys, Ive got a couple of my units in my map named 'scoutz' They're ment to be invisible scoutz to reveal map area. They're based off scout tower, Ive made them invulernable at the start, given them none.mdl model file, and locuts ability. Yet i frequently hear "Our allies town is...
  16. R

    Life Draining Targeting problems

    Hey guys just wondering how i can make Life drain target, Only invulernable Friends/allies when cast. I tried Targets allowed : Friend, Invulernable : Allied, Invulernable :Friend, Ground, Invulernable Whenever i cast it, its still saying...
  17. R

    How to Cancel the remaining actions in a trigger if...

    Hey guys ill try make my question as simple as possible. trying to figure out how to prevent a triggers remaining actions, if another trigger is set off. Basically, I have a unit that Unpauses/Becomes vulnerable, after 90seconds, of another unit dying... Trigger name : Boss...
  18. R

    quick icon question

    Hey can anyone tell me where the icon for Diffusal blade from dota / devastate from wow is in world editor? i cant find it anywhere, please
  19. R

    Making a unit leap/fly temporarily

    hey guys been looking through search for a while and cant find exactly what i need so here goes.. Im just trying to make a spell that when casts the unit flys Vertically into the air and lands in the same spot. I know how to trigger most spells, except ive never used custom scripts or...
  20. R

    Why isnt this trigger woking properly

    Hey guys wondering whats wrong here, The Dummy Unit is always summoned and deleted properly. But only casts its [FrostNova] spell 40% of the time. The Original Triggering spell was based off [Curse] Event - A unit Beings Casting an ability Condition - Ability Being Cast Equal too ManHandle...