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  1. R

    Problem with trigger (GUI)

    Description: Frenzied Backspin - The berserker spins around with great force, causing (enemies within 300/350/400 range * 50/60/70) damage and stunning all units caught in the way. The spell works, but it only does 70 damage to all the units.. it doesn't accumulate all of the units nearby and...
  2. R

    Need help with a voo-doo like spell!

    The spell is called Curse of the Wretched, and it goes something like this: "Curse of the Wretched The Cursebearer casts a spell on a target unit, making any unit that damages it have a chance of being converted into an unfriendly demon for 5 seconds. The curse lasts 30/35/40 seconds and has...
  3. R

    Need help with a spell using lightning effects (GUI)

    If you can't tell from the trigger, it's supposed to damage the target for the intelligence of the hero x5, and damage other enemy units within 400 range for intelligence x3, and make a lightning effect between them.. but right now the only thing that happens is the special effect and it pops up...
  4. R

    Need help with spell (uses gui)

    I have a problem with a spell called Psychic Barrier. The unit casts it (based off mana shield), and it's supposed to set the capacity (aka life) of the shield to a certain number.. and when another variable (bursting limit, gets damage done added to it per attack) reaches the capacity, it's...
  5. R

    Need help with a trigger (don't know how else to explain it)

    I'm making a spell called enrage, and when it's cast it's supposed to make the target hero or unit become hostile towards everyone for 5/10/15 seconds. How would I do that? I've got a bit of experience with things like this but everything I've tried doesn't work. Please help!
  6. R

    Need a spell to require corpses. Help asap.

    Okay. I'm making a skill that is based off of Avatar, and that when the spell is cast, the game should check to see if there is a corpse to "use" for the avatar state. Is there any way that I could do that? I'm sure I'm overlooking it but I don't know where to look. Please help as soon as...
  7. R

    Skin problems

    Hi, I altered the skin of a sorceress to make it resemble Storm, and I edited the model a bit too (the boobs were pointy?). I imported them into my map, and I used the actual sorceresses normal paths for the model and the skin. In the World Editor, it shows up fine as the new unit. But when i...