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  1. P

    Detecting Armor Types

    Does anyone know how to detect which armor type a unit is (e.g. Light, Heavy, Medium, Hero, Fortified, Divine, etc.)? I mean, any condition that can do this? And I'm referring to a GUI method btw.
  2. P

    Dota spell request: Fiend's Grip

    I've searched quite a bit on this forum, but I don't seem to find Bane Elemental's ultimate Fiend's Grip. Is it too easy to make or something? Anyway, I'd like to ask how this spell is made (just a brief explanation will do). I would like both the new (drains mana from the target) and old...
  3. P

    Orb of Lightning icon

    I've made a custom ability based exactly off the Orb of Lightning ability. Everything works fine but somehow the spell icon is darkened in game. Anyone knows why? EDIT: The "Feedback" icon is based off "Item Purge (2)", and the Orb of Lightning is based off, well, "Orb of Lightning (new)"...
  4. P

    Dummy Blizzard

    I've made a sort of Blizzard spell called "Astral Maelstrom". It is triggered and the casting animation is supposed to be done by dummies: Spell Astral Maelstrom Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Astral...
  5. P

    Chain lightning and charged carrion swarm

    Hi there, I'm working with some custom spells currently, but I'm not that good at triggers (and have absolutely no JASS knowledge), so I don't seem to get my things to work. Below are 2 problems I'm facing: 1) There's a Chain Lightning ultimate called Plasma Wave (much like Wrath of...
  6. P

    Item ability cooldown

    Hi all, I'm adding some abilities to one of my custom items, but apparently there are some problems that can affect gameplay. It is suppose to be an ultra-powerful permanent item that can be used actively, and gives the owner +1000 HP (using Khadgar's Gem of Health ability), +100 Strength...
  7. P

    Archimonde animation

    Hi all, I wanted to make Archimonde perform the cool "spell,slam" animation, as when he is casting "Rain of Chaos", which emits a circle of green light around him. Animation - Play finalBoss's spell,slam animation Wait X.XX seconds Animation - Reset finalBoss's animation where...
  8. P

    'Eye' in multiboard

    Hi there, I was wondering if there are any means of removing the 'eye' icon in each multiboard item row? Or better still, change it to some other icons? Thanks in advance! =] _Phoenix_
  9. P

    Array memory leaks

    Hi there, I'd like to know how to remove memory leaks for variables that are arrays. For instance, say there is a point variable called GenPoint, then I should remove it after using by adding the following custom code: Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_GenPoint) But what if it...
  10. P

    custom abilities questions

    Hi there, I'm making two hero abilities in my map, and I need to solve two problems, the first deals with special effects, and the second is a trigger issue: 1) I have an immolation spell that has a large AoE, and because I want it to look cool, I don't want the affected units just to be...
  11. P

    finished channeling event

    Hi all, I want to ask about how I can detect when a unit has finished channeling an ability. In the event part of a trigger, there is only "Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability" for Generic Unit Events. However, I tried casting spells like Bladestorm, and the trigger is activated ~1 sec...
  12. P

    Critical Strike Floating Number

    Hi all, Any idea how I can create floating numbers identical to those of a Blademaster's Critical Strike? When I mean identical, I do mean identical, such as its fade out duration, its velocity (moving upwards), the font size, the font colour, etc. Thanks! _Phoenix_
  13. P

    Ensnare Ward (custom ability)

    I'm creating a pretty weird ability, and I've got some problems with it. Let me start by introducing the spell. It's suppose to be an actively cast 3-level hero skill, and when casted creates a ward (duh!) based on the Healing Ward spell (so that the AoE of 600 can be seen). The ward is...
  14. P

    floating numbers and

    Hi everyone, It's me again with a couple of world editor questions. Should be pretty simple really, but I just couldn't figure 'em out :P 1) If I created a unit with a generic expiration timer (such as the case in dummies), and added it to a unit group, does it count as being "removed from...
  15. P

    Custom ability issues

    Hi there, There's a couple of custom abilities that I'm working on, though I do not really know how to fine tune them. Here are two questions: 1) I've got a sort-of Blademaster hero. Whenever he kills someone, his agility automatically +1. I've got the following trigger: Spell Demon...
  16. P

    cinematic, loading time and spell issues

    Hi all, There are several problems I encountered, and I'm desperately seeking for help: :P 1) How do I make my cinematic "skippable" by pressing the Esc key? Of course, it only works if all players press the Esc key. I'm trying to figure out how the one in Blizzard TD works, but I still...
  17. P

    Cutscene problems

    Hi there, I'm trying to add some cinematics to my map, and as I'm don't really know much about this, I've encountered quite some problems. Init endphase Events Conditions Actions Sound - Play War2IntroMusic <gen> Cinematic - Disable user control for (All...
  18. P

    Re-creating trees

    Hi all, I want to make a trigger so that when the trees in a particular area is destroyed, they are automatically created again. Below is my trigger: Recreate trees Events Destructible - A destructible within Mannoroth bridge <gen> dies Destructible - A...
  19. P

    Referencing to devoured unit

    Hi everyone, How can you refer to a unit that is being devoured in triggers? And is there any way to make the casting unit (e.g. Kodo Beast, Dragons, etc.) to "regurgitate" the devoured unit without killing the caster? _Phoenix_
  20. P

    Boost buildings HP & armor

    Hi all, How do I make a trigger that increases HP and armor of all friendly buildings of a team? I need to do it multiple times, so a single research upgrade like Glyph of Fortification cannot work yet. _Phoenix_