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  1. F

    Trigger Problem

    Hey folks. I made this Trigger for my upgrade here, when it finishes, it is supposed to give 25 food to whoever uses the upgrade but I can't seem to get it right. Here is the Trigger: Food Upgrade 1 Events Unit - A unit Finishes research Conditions (Researched tech-type)...
  2. F

    Burning Oil - Fiery ground change

    Hey guys. I made a Tower in my Tower Wars here and I added the ability Burning Oil to it but changed name to Steaming Ground, I want the fiery effect on the ground to be water instead of fire, anyone know how to change this? If it could be changed by GUI Tags that would be cool too;) Thanks.
  3. F

    Color Codes for Towers

    Hey guys. I was wondering something. When I want a spell text or something to get a color I see that it requirs a code like "cffffcc00" which gives yellow, so I was thinking what the other codes for the colors are? If you know any besides this one, please tell me :) Thanks.
  4. F

    Tower Naming

    Hello guys. I am making a Tower Wars like the Line Tower Wars, but with many differences and I am in a bad situation. I made some upgrades that you can buy for Lumber at some buildings, the upgrades allows you to buy some 3 special towers for each upgrade. The upgrades comes in 2 where the...
  5. F

    Monster Blocked - Attack

    Hello guys. Does anyone know how to make monsters attack if they are blocked? If you do can you please reply here ;)? Thanks.
  6. F

    Build Time instant

    Hello there I am currently trying to make my own tower wars here but having a little problem, when I try to make the units, it takes 1second to create them but I want to make that instant, anyone know how? If you do, please tell me ;) I try to change it in the Object Editor, but the minimum...