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  1. A

    Periodc Score-Based Rewards

    I'm making a zombie defense type scenario, and I want the player to receive rewards based on their kills. However, I want to make just one trigger for the levels of rewards the player can get. So every 100 kills the player gets 100 gold, every 1000 kills the player gets 300 gold, etc. I'm...
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    Problem with Multiboard Gold Counter

    I'm making a team-based game where the teams are supposed to gather gold to win. in the game, i have a multiboard that is meant to keep track of how much gold each team (of 3 players each) has at the moment (so it should be always going up and down) however, when i test the map it doesn't...
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    Warcraft: Legends

    I was thinking of a line of console-specific games centered around warcraft called "Warcraft: Legends" which are 3rd person action/adventure hack-n-slash games that center around one of the characters in the Warcraft Universe. The one that really was on my mind was a game where you play as...
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    Help with custom berserker upgrade

    I want to have a Footman unit transform into an "Elite" Footman by way of an upgrade exactly the same as the berserker upgrade, what do i have to do to make it work? I've already tried just changing the values in the upgrade section in the object editor, copying all the special values and...
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    help with abilities

    how do i make a "create your own hero" map? i want to make it so that you can buy an item and a trigger gives you the ability, but i also want to be able to level up that ability (right now when i use the "add ability trigger" it gives me the ability as if it were just a normal unit ability and...