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  1. Z

    Icon help

    I need help with this Icon i have tried ABSOLUTELY everything and i read everything about Icon creating at hiveworkshop and all other sites and my image still cannot load. I have installed all the possible programes and everything but still...:banghead::banghead: I tried BLP TAG , name with...
  2. Z

    Player slots

    This is a lame question but i really forgot how to make player 11 and 12 to be computers and the slots 11 and 12 when game is hosted to be occupied with name like Creeps and Helpers(for e.g.). And how do i set all players to be only Human race,no handicap and stuff like that, i tried from...
  3. Z

    Item ability problem and another thing.

    Ok so i made this imagination of a hero having a skill that will reduce armor(item corruption bonus spell).As i tried the icon doesnt show after i learn it from the hero book and i tried adding it but still didnt work. Now i know many people asked questions for this kind of problem about item...