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  1. P

    Limit a certain item within an region to a certain number?

    Is it possible to limit a item number of a certain item within a region? Like, I make a trigger that spawns an item each 10 second. In the end if those item were'nt to be used it would end up with alot of items on the map. So what I want to do is that if there is lets say 20 of the certain...
  2. P

    Something wrong with my triggers?

    Something wrong with my trigger? Okay so what I want is that when you kill a certain destructible it will drop an item and resurrect at the same spot. The thing is it works when I only have a small number of doodads on the map, but as soon as I start to put them all over the map (to make it...
  3. P

    Is there a way to make this with triggers?

    So what I want to do is: When a unit of a certain type (Peon, Footman, Acolyte etc) attacks a certain type of doodad (Not just single one but any doodad of same type, lets say a tree) then the unit that attacks the doodad will be given an item (it will have an inventory) preferably with a...
  4. P

    Everyone but me disconnects on my own map, why?

    Hi, I've created a map with just a few triggers and custom items, abilities etc and it seem to disconnect everyone after the loadingscreen and I have no idea what the problem might be.. I do not believe it is the triggers and I am unsure if it is caused by any of my custom items, abilities etc...