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  1. M

    Hashtable, loading incorrect data

    I'm making a shield spell that absorbs a set amount of damage and disappears. What happens is when a unit has this cast on them, a real value is saved in a specific hashtable under the units handle ID. Then, in another trigger with specific-unit-taking-damage (for every unit that enters map...
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    Fatal from order, and unable to set point

    1. I've got a trigger that forces a unit to stop whenever it's given any order and it has a specific buff on it. For whatever reason though, it crashes WC3 when you just right click. Here's the code; function Trig_SPfrozen_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean...
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    Spell help - Integer not saving to Hashtable

    I'm making a spell called Wreath in Flames; it's an AoE DoT spell that incrementally damages and slows enemies in the AoE depending on how long they have stayed in the flames. I'm using a timer and hashtable for the periodic effects, but for some reason the timer doesn't stop running. I've...
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    Questions about Morphing abilities

    I'm using a skill based off Ethereal Form (spirit walker) to turn a hero with a spell book ability ethereal and corporeal. Problem is the cooldowns of the abilities in the spell book are reset each time the hero uses this ability, so my questions are; Do the cooldowns of abilities always reset...
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    Concerning CollisionMissile functions

    Just a bunch of questions about usage of CollisionMissile. 1. For CollisionMissile_Create, in the code "onImpact", how would you refer to the casting unit if the missile was created by casting a spell? Would GetTriggerUnit() work or would I have to attach a struct or something to the missile...
  6. M

    Setting a function to a variable

    Short question: How do you set a function to a variable? What I mean is something like... globals global <function variable type> my_variable endglobals set my_variable = (function MyFunction)
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    Attack Damage function

    I can't seem to find a function in GUI that detects the attack damage of a unit as a real value (not the actual damage it does per attack to a certain unit, but the damage as stated in the UI). I might be a blind or something, but does it even exist? Or do you have to use JASS for it? Thanks in...
  8. M

    Not damaging more than two

    I made a function that damages units around a point and returns a real value (equal to damage dealt x units in the group around the point). However, whenever I cast the spell that triggers it, it only ever damages two units. I made another trigger to check how much damage it was dealing, and how...
  9. M

    "Killing Units" of a unit with Reincarnation

    Is there a function/action/condition/whatever to detect a unit that 'kills' another unit with Reincarnation?
  10. M

    Destroying Special Effects in JASS

    I've made a trigger that, simply put, creates special effects when a spell is cast. The special effect I want to use disappears the moment it is destroyed, so I need to use "TriggerSleepAction", which is what I did: local effect wind set wind = AddSpecialEffectLoc(...
  11. M

    Invalid Identifier name

    I'm getting this wierd error whenever I try to save my map, telling me that... err.... whatever this means: I'm assuming it means that the name I set for my struct is not allowed. The problem is, the name I set for the struct was: private struct Data Why did it add '___' infront of my...
  12. M

    Spell isn't working.

    (Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I posted this here because the description implies one could get help for JASS codes here...) I have recently began to learn JASS in greater detail, and stumbled upon "KaTTana's Local Handle Variables" system. After reading about what it does and how to use...
  13. M

    Strafing Spell

    I'm trying to trigger a strafing spell called 'Insanity Strafing'. What it does is place a buff on the caster for 7 seconds. As long as the unit has the buff, the unit's damage is halved, attack speed quadripled and the unit gains a 50% chance to attack again (shown by a partially transparent...
  14. M

    Volley spell problem

    I've triggered a spell that fires 10 arrows in an arc in front of the caster, but it doesn't seem to work very well. I can't describe it very well, so I took a screenshot instead. As you can see, instead of firing 10 arrows in an arc, the spell fires 4 (this varies with each usage)...
  15. M

    Teleportation Runes

    What I've got is an AoE spell (on an item) that, when cast on specific runes, will cause you to teleport to a point on the map. However, you must be within 150 range of the rune for this to work, or it will say "You must get closer to the Rune." and give you a new item. I have two of these...
  16. M

    Ressurecting Units problem

    I'm trying to ressurect a unit 10 seconds after it dies as the same unit as before (no loss of items or bonuses from tomes and stuff), but it's proving to be more difficult than expected. I've tried many things, such as adding a Unit - Life event for when the unit's health becomes lower than or...
  17. M


    How do you lock the slots so that players are a specific colour and race, eg. Player 1 is Red and Human and Player 9 is Gray and Undead and Computer? I have set them to how I want them in Scenario -> Players, but it doesnt make the things (colour, slot status,) unselectable.
  18. M

    Multi Attacks

    I'm trying to get a multi attack skill to work (based off barrage). It has 0.5 second cooldown, 1000 range and 5 targets. I gave it to a unit with no attack (based off flying sheep) and it wont work. I gave the sheep an attack and it still wont work (+ the sheep's attack wont work either). I...
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    About Splash Damage

    Just a simple question: How do you get towers with splash damage to not hit your own units? I tried setting AoE targets and Targets allowed to Enemy (and ground), but it still kills my units.
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    AI-ish thing

    I'm making a map where you find an area, build a base an defend against waves of monsters. The problem: The monsters arent moving towards the players, let alone attacking them. What I did was set their sight radius and aquisition range to max, but then they starting running around as if...